Symbolic Value : Search
PERCENTILE_xxx - Indices into percentile key table
#include <nif.h>
Symbolic Values :
PERCENTILE_0 - 0: Table entry for first key in collection
PERCENTILE_10 - 1: Table entry for first 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_20 - 2: Table entry for second 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_30 - 3: Table entry for third 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_40 - 4: Table entry for fourth 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_50 - 5: Table entry for the first half of a collection
PERCENTILE_60 - 6: Table entry for sixth 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_70 - 7: Table entry for seventh 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_80 - 8: Table entry for eighth 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_90 - 9: Table entry for ninth 1/10 of collection 1/10 of collection
PERCENTILE_100 - 10: Table entry for last key in collection
Description :
Keys in a COLLECTIONDATA structure are divided into percentiles - divisions corresponding to one-tenth of the total range of keys - and a table of the keys marking the divisions is returned with that structure. These constants are provided for indexing into the table.