Symbolic Value : User Registration
REGIDGetxxx - Information type codes for ID files.
#include <reg.h>
Symbolic Values :
REGIDGetUSAFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is North American.
REGIDGetHierarchicalFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is hierarchical.
REGIDGetSafeFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is a safe copy.
REGIDGetCertifierFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is a certifier.
REGIDGetNotesExpressFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is a Notes Express ID.
REGIDGetDesktopFlag - Return a Boolean value of size sizeof(BOOL) that is TRUE if the ID is desktop only.
REGIDGetName - Return the name from the ID file. The name may be 0 to MAXUSERNAME bytes in length.
REGIDGetPublicKey - Return the public key from the ID file.
REGIDGetPrivateKey - Return the private key from the ID file.
REGIDGetIntlPublicKey - Return the international public key from the ID file.
REGIDGetIntlPrivateKey - Return the international private key from the ID file.
Description :
Information type codes used by REGGetIDInfo() to identify the data items to be obtained from an ID file.
When an ID is made Safe, the Certifier, NotesExpress, and Desktop flags are cleared, so these flags will always be FALSE in a Safe copy.
Flat IDs do not distinguish between users and certifiers, so the Certifier flag will always be FALSE if the Hierarchical flag is FALSE.
See Also : REGGetIDInfo