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Symbolic Value : Rich Text
TPL_FLAG_xxx - Flags defined for the FormFlags, FormFlags2 or FormFlags3 members of the CDDOCUMENT data structure.

#include <editods.h>

Symbolic Values :

TPL_FLAG_REFERENCE    -  FormFlags - Use Reference Note.

TPL_FLAG_MAIL     -  FormFlags - Documents should be mailed when they are saved.

TPL_FLAG_NOTEREF      -  FormFlags - Add note reference to "reference note".

TPL_FLAG_NOTEREF_MAIN     -  FormFlags - Add note reference to main parent of "reference note".

TPL_FLAG_RECALC   -  FormFlags - When leaving a field, recalculate its value.

TPL_FLAG_BOILERPLATE      -  FormFlags - Store the form used to compose the note within the note.

TPL_FLAG_FGCOLOR      -  FormFlags - Use the foreground color to paint.

TPL_FLAG_SPARESOK     -  FormFlags - Spare DWORDS have been zeroed.

TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_COMP     -  FormFlags - Activate OLE objects when composing a new note.

TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_EDIT     -  FormFlags - Activate OLE objects when editing an existing note.

TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_READ     -  FormFlags - Activate OLE objects when reading an existing note.

TPL_FLAG_SHOW_WINDOW_COMPOSE      -  FormFlags - Show editor window if the flag TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_COMP is set.

TPL_FLAG_SHOW_WINDOW_EDIT     -  FormFlags - Show editor window if the flag TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_EDIT is set.

TPL_FLAG_SHOW_WINDOW_READ     -  FormFlags - Show editor window if the flag TPL_FLAG_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_READ is set.

TPL_FLAG_UPDATE_RESPONSE      -  FormFlags - V3 Updates to this note become responses to it.

TPL_FLAG_UPDATE_PARENT    -  FormFlags - V3 Updates to this note become its parent.

TPL_FLAG_INCLUDEREF   -  FormFlags2 - insert copy of ref note

TPL_FLAG_RENDERREF    -  FormFlags2 - render ref (else it's a doclink)

TPL_FLAG_RENDCOLLAPSE     -  FormFlags2 - render it collapsed?

TPL_FLAG_EDITONOPEN   -  FormFlags2 - edit mode on open

TPL_FLAG_OPENCNTXT    -  FormFlags2 - open context panes

TPL_FLAG_CNTXTPARENT      -  FormFlags2 - context pane is parent

TPL_FLAG_MANVCREATE   -  FormFlags2 - manual versioning

TPL_FLAG_UPDATE_SIBLING   -  FormFlags2 - updates are sibblings

TPL_FLAG_ANONYMOUS    -  FormFlags2 - V4 Anonymous form

TPL_FLAG_NAVIG_DOCLINK_IN_PLACE   -  FormFlags2 - Doclink dive into same window

TPL_FLAG_INTERNOTES   -  FormFlags2 - InterNotes special form

TPL_FLAG_DISABLE_FX   -  FormFlags2 - Disable FX for this doc

TPL_FLAG_NOMENUS      -  FormFlags2 - Disable menus for this doc

TPL_FLAG_CHECKDISPLAY     -  FormFlags2 - Check display before displaying background

TPL_FLAG_FORMISRTL    -  FormFlags2 - This is a Right to Left form.

TPL_FLAG_HIDEBKGRAPHIC    -  FormFlags2 - Hide Background graphic in Design Mode.

TPL_FLAG_RESIZEHEADER     -  FormFlags3 - Editor resizes header area to contents.

TPL_FLAG_NOINITIALFOCUS   -  FormFlags3 - No initial focus to any object on a form or page.

TPL_FLAG_SIGNWHENSAVED    -  FormFlags3 - Sign this document when it gets saved.

TPL_FLAG_NOFOCUSWHENF6    -  FormFlags3 - No focus when doing F6 or tabbing.

TPL_FLAG_RENDERPASSTHROUGH    -  FormFlags3 - Render pass through HTML in the client.

TPL_FLAG_NOADDFIELDNAMESTOINDEX   -  FormFlags3 - Don't automatically add form fields to field index.

TPL_FLAG_CANAUTOSAVE      -  FormFlags3 - Autosave Documents created using this form.

Description :

These are the flags that may be specified in the FormFlags, FormFlags2 or FormFlags3 members of the CDDOCUMENT data structure. They are used to define document-wide attributes.