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VCF1 xxx

Symbolic Value : Constants

#include <viewfmt.h>

Symbolic Values :

VCF1_S_Sort   -  (Shift) Add column to sort.

VCF1_M_Sort   -  (Mask) Add column to sort.

VCF1_S_SortCategorize     -  (Shift) Make column a category.

VCF1_M_SortCategorize     -  (Mask) Make column a category.

VCF1_S_SortDescending.    -  (Shift) Sort in descending order (ascending if FALSE).

VCF1_M_SortDescending     -  (Mask) Sort in descending order (ascending if FALSE).

VCF1_S_Hidden     -  (Shift) Hidden column.

VCF1_M_Hidden     -  (Mask) Hidden column.

VCF1_S_Response   -  (Shift) Response column.

VCF1_M_Response   -  (Mask) Response column.

VCF1_S_HideDetail     -  (Shift) Do not show detail on subtotaled columns.

VCF1_M_HideDetail     -  (Mask) Do not show detail on subtotaled columns.

VCF1_S_Icon   -  (Shift) Display icon instead of text.

VCF1_M_Icon   -  (Mask) Display icon instead of text.

VCF1_S_NoResize   -  (Shift) Resizable at run time.

VCF1_M_NoResize   -  (Mask) Resizable at run time.

VCF1_S_ResortAscending    -  (Shift) Resortable in ascending order.

VCF1_M_ResortAscending    -  (Mask) Resortable in ascending order.

VCF1_S_ResortDescending   -  (Shift) Resortable in descending order.

VCF1_M_ResortDescending   -  (Mask) Resortable in descending order.

VCF1_S_Twistie    -  (Shift) Show twistie if expandable.

VCF1_M_Twistie    -  (Mask) Show twistie if expandable.

VCF1_S_ResortToView   -  (Shift) Resort to a view.

VCF1_M_ResortToView   -  (Mask) Resort to a view.

VCF1_S_SecondResort   -  (Shift) Secondary resort column set.

VCF1_M_SecondResort   -  (Mask) Secondary resort column set.

VCF1_S_SecondResortDescending     -  (Shift) Secondary column resort descending (ascending if clear).

VCF1_M_SecondResortDescending     -  (Mask) Secondary column resort descending (ascending if clear).

VCF1_S_CaseInsensitiveSort    -  OBSOLETE - replaced by VCF3_S_CaseSensitiveSortInV5

VCF1_M_CaseInsensitiveSort    -  OBSOLETE - replaced by VCF3_M_CaseSensitiveSortInV5

VCF1_S_AccentInsensitiveSort      -  OBSOLETE - replaced by VCF3_S_AccentSensitiveSortInV5

VCF1_M_AccentInsensitiveSort      -  OBSOLETE - replaced by VCF3_M_AccentSensitiveSortInV5

Description :

Possible optional values for the Flags1 member of the VIEW_COLUMN_FORMAT structure. These values specify column attributes.