VCF3 xxx
Symbolic Value : Constants
#include <viewfmt.h>
Symbolic Values :
VCF3_S_FlatInV5 - (Shift) View is flat in V5 or greater.
VCF3_M_FlatInV5 - (Mask) View is flat in V5 or greater.
VCF3_S_CaseSensitiveSortInV5 - (Shift) Case Sensitive sorting.
VCF3_M_CaseSensitiveSortInV5 - (Mask) Case Sensitive sorting.
VCF3_S_AccentSensitiveSortInV5 - (Shift) Accent Sensitive sorting.
VCF3_M_AccentSensitiveSortInV5 - (Mask) Accent Sensitive sorting.
VCF3_S_HideWhenFormula - (Shift) Column has hide/when formula set.
VCF3_M_HideWhenFormula - (Mask) Column has hide/when formula set.
VCF3_S_TwistieResource - (Shift) Column has twistie resource.
VCF3_M_TwistieResource - (Mask) Column has twistie resource.
VCF3_S_Color - (Shift) Column value to be used as a color for this entry.
VCF3_M_Color - (Mask) Column value to be used as a color for this entry.
VCF3_ExtDate - Column has extended date info.
VCF3_NumberFormat - Column has extended number format.
VCF3_S_IsColumnEditable - (Shift) Can this column be edited.
VCF3_M_IsColumnEditable - (Mask) Can this column be edited.
VCF3_S_UserDefinableColor - (Shift) User definable color.
VCF3_M_UserDefinableColor - (Mask) User definable color.
VCF3_S_HideInR5 - (Shift) Column has hide/when formula set and needs to be hidden in R5 or before.
VCF3_M_HideInR5 - (Mask) Column has hide/when formula set and needs to be hidden in R5 or before.
VCF3_S_NamesFormat - (Shift) Column has extended names format.
VCF3_M_NamesFormat - (Mask) Column has extended names format.
VCF3_S_HideColumnTitle - (Shift) Hide column title from display, but not from customization.
VCF3_M_HideColumnTitle - (Mask) Hide column title from display, but not from customization.
VCF3_S_IsSharedColumn - (Shift) Is this a shared column?
VCF3_M_IsSharedColumn - (Mask) Is this a shared column?
VCF3_S_UseSharedColumnFormulaOnly - (Shift) Use only the formula from shared column - let use modify everything else.
VCF3_M_UseSharedColumnFormulaOnly - (Mask) Use only the formula from shared column - let use modify everything else.
Description :
The Flags3 field of the VIEW_COLUMN_FORMAT2 structure is a WORD bit field of view attributes. The Shift flags specify the first bit position for a specific attribute. The Mask flags specify the bit mask (which bits are used) for a specific attribute.