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Let’s now do some basic CRUD with our Customer form.

Create a New Customer

  1. Hover over the Domino-REST-API-NewDB collection name and click on the ellipsis (three dots). Select Add Request.
  2. Name the request create customer and click Save.
  3. Change the method from GET to POST.
  4. Set the URL as {{HOST}}/document?dataSource=customers.
  5. Set the headers for Authorization and Content-Type.
  6. On the Body tab change the type to Raw and also change the type from Text to JSON.
  7. Set the request body content to:

       "Form": "Customer",
       "name": "Acme Corp",
       "category": [
       "address1": "Acme Towers",
       "address2": "",
       "city": "Toon Town",
       "state": "California",
       "zipCode": "",
       "website": ""
  8. On the Tests tab enter the following content:

     pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {;
     pm.test("Create ToDo", function () {
       var jsonData = pm.response.json();
       pm.collectionVariables.set("parentUNID", jsonData["@meta"].unid);
  9. Click Send.
  10. Save and close the request.

The customer will be created and the response will include metadata (@meta), including unid, which is the reference that will be needed to read, update or delete the customer. The code we entered earlier in the Tests automatically stores this in a variable, making it easier to perform some operations on the last created customer.

Create Customer

Get The Customer

  1. Hover over the Domino-REST-API-NewDB collection name and click on the ellipsis (three dots). Select Add Request.
  2. Name the request get customer and click Save.
  3. Set the URL as {{HOST}}/document/{{parentUNID}}?dataSource=customers&mode=default.


    {{parentUNID}} is the UNID This uses the collection variable set from the value for unid you received when creating the customer.

  4. Set the headers for Authorization.
  5. Click Send.
  6. Save and close the request.

Get Customer

Set The Customer Inactive

  1. Hover over the Domino-REST-API-NewDB collection name and click on the ellipsis (three dots). Select Add Request.
  2. Name the request update customer and click Save.
  3. Change the method from GET to PUT.
  4. Set the URL as {{HOST}}/document/{{parentUNID}}?dataSource=customers&mode=update.
  5. Set the headers for Authorization and Content-Type.
  6. On the Body tab change the type to Raw and also change the type from Text to JSON.
  7. Set the request body content to:

       "Form": "Customer",
       "name": "Acme Corp",
       "category": [
       "address1": "Acme Towers",
       "address2": "",
       "city": "Toon Town",
       "state": "California",
       "zipCode": "",
       "website": "",
       "status": "Inactive"
  8. Click Send.
  9. Save and close the request.

Update Customer

Delete The Customer

  1. Hover over the Domino-REST-API-NewDB collection name and click on the ellipsis (three dots). Select Add Request.
  2. Name the request delete customer and click Save.
  3. Change the method from GET to DELETE.
  4. Set the URL as {{HOST}}/document/{{parentUNID}}?dataSource=customers&mode=default.


    {{parentUNID}} is the UNID that was saved via the test when the document was created.

  5. Set the headers for Authorization.
  6. Click Send. You will receive a 403 response because the formula for delete access in the default mode is @False.
  7. Change the mode query parameter to update.
  8. Click Send. You will now receive a 200 response. It worked because in the update mode, the delete access formula is status = "Inactive", and since we made sure to set the status to Inactive of our customer in the previous step, the formula checks out. Thus, allowing us to successfully delete it.
  9. Save and close the request.

Delete Customer If you get a 403 response when mode is set to update, check the Form Access Mode for default mode had a Formula for Delete Access set to @True.

Test with different information, to create, update and delete additional customers. Test deletion when a Customer is still Active status.

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