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Enabling TLS for the Mongo database on Docker or Podman

Ensure that the you have read the introductory topic and verified that the TLS connection itself can be established. For more information, refer to Verifying if TLS connection can be established.

  1. Locate the local .pem file to use with your Mongo deployment. For more information, refer to the official MongoDB documentation.

  2. Modify your Mongo URL to use TLS. For more information, refer to Setting up TLS for the Mongo database.

  3. Open the docker-compose.yml file in edit mode.

  4. Add the volume mount to the Community section of the YAML file.


    The example above assumes that you have the cacerts.pem file on the host system at the /opt/sametime location. It will mount into the container at the location /local/notesdata/cacerts.pem which should be the same path/filename as specified in the tlsCAFile parameter on the Mongo connection string.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Start the Sametime server to apply the changes.

    docker compose up -d

Parent Topic: Setting up TLS for the Mongo database