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Update List of Beacons for a Device

The Update List of Beacons for a Device API updates the list of beacons for a device. There are two ways to update the list of beacons for a device:

  • Through ksid
  • Through a combination of ufid and appid


The HTTP URL for Update List of Beacons for a Device API is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Level- Two Required Type Description
ksid   Yes long   Volt MX Subscription Identification number of the application > Note: You must provide the ksid, if you do not provide the ufid and appid.
ufid   Yes string The User Friendly Identifier or UFID is used when you subscribe to Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services. Based on your requirement, you can provide an UFID. It is alphanumeric, for example or 2890XZCY. It can be used to map devices to the user using the value as a reconciliation key > Note:  You must provide both the ufid and appid, if you do not provide the ksid.
appid   Yes alphanumeric Unique ID assigned to an app > Note:  You must provide both the ufid and appid, if you do not provide the ksid.
beacon       An array of beacon objects
  uuid Yes long Universally Unique Identifier Number (UUID) assigned to the Beacon. UUID contains 32 hexadecimal digits, split into 5 groups, and separated by dashes, for example, f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893eBy default, beacon format consists of three values: UUID, Major, Minor. Beacons broadcast their IDs, which can be recognized by mobile apps to trigger specific actions.
  major Yes long Major ID is a major identifier of a Bluetooth beacon.
  minor Yes long Minor ID is a minor identifier of a Bluetooth beacon.

Sample Request

Updating List of Beacons through ksid

"ksid": "5976328003246374004",
"ufid": "",
"appid": "",
"beacons": {
"beacon": {
"uuid": "Beacon-Create-UUID",
"major": "500",
"minor": "100"

Updating List of Beacons through a combination of ufid and appid

"ksid": "5976328003246374004",
"ufid": "",
"appid": "AppForAll",
"beacons": {
"beacon": {
"uuid": "Beacon-Create-UUID786IUJHG",
"major": "600",
"minor": "200"

Sample Response

"id" : "",
"message" : "Updated Successfully"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Beacons updated successfully
Status 400 Invalid request format
Status 500 Server failure to process request