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Modify Campaign with Upload Images

The Modify Campaign with Upload Images service as a multipart form provides a payload for campaigns along with required images to use in passes. This service accepts the Campaign payload field name as campaignPayload, and images can be provided as a part of multipart request. The image field names must be provided in the campaignPayload under the images section.

Use Case

If you wish to create a pass with uploaded images instead of providing the image URL, then you need to post the input parameters as given below:

  1. Send the form data as a key-value pair.
    1. Post the complete payload as a key-value pair (campaignPayload : payload body in the text format).
    2. Post the image details as a key value pair such as icon: selected file format from the image location.


The HTTP URL for Modify Campaign with Upload Images service is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



Input Parameters

Following fields are the input parameters:

Input Parameter Level – Two Level – Three Type Description
name     string Name of the campaign
campaignType     string Type of the campaign
zone     string Selected time zone for the campaign
startDateStr     string Date and time on which the campaign starts
endDateStr     string Date and time on which the campaign ends
campaignSegments       An array of campaign segments
  segment ID   string Unique ID assigned to the campaign
  name   string Segment name
campaignMessages       An array of campaign message parameters, for more details, see
    platformSpecificProps   Properties pertaining to specific platforms: iOS, Windows, BlackBerry Android, and Web, for more details, see
campaignMails       An array of campaign mail parameters, for more details, see
campaignSms       An array of campaign SMS parameters, for more details, see
campaignVoiceSms       An array of campaign Voice SMS parameters, for more details, see
campaignPasses       An array of campaign passes parameters, for more details, see
campaignChannelPriorities       An array of campaign channel priorities.
Status     string Current status of the campaign such as running

Sample Request

    "name": "Validate Campaign API 2",
    "campaignType": "",
    "zone": "(GMT+05:30) Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi",
    "startDateStr": "06/29/2016 04:55:13 PM",
    "endDateStr": "08/30/2016 12:00:00 AM",
    "campaignSegments": [{
        "segment": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "sample segment"
    }, {
        "segment": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "All Users"
    "campaignMessages": [{
        "name": "Hi",
        "message": "##First Name####Last Name##",
        "richContent": "",
        "application": {
            "appId": "20096-6548262167",
            "applicationName": "AppforAll"
        "subscribers": 2,
        "pushesSent": 0,
        "pushesOpened": 0,
        "platformSpecificProps": {
            "title": "Hi",
            "iphone": {
                "badge": "",
                "sound": "",
                "category": "",
                "contentAvailable": "",
                "actionLocKey": "",
                "locKey": "",
                "locArgs": "",
                "launchImage": "",
                "title": "Hi",
                "titleLocKey": "",
                "titleLocArgs": "",
                "customData": {
                    "key": []
            "blackberry": {
                "header": []
            "android": {
                "title": "Hi",
                "sound": "",
                "icon": "",
                "color": "",
                "clickAction": "",
                "bodyLocKey": "",
                "tag": "",
                "collapseKey": "",
                "priority": "",
                "delayWhileIdle": "",
                "restrictedPackageName": "",
                "bodyLocArgs": "",
                "titleLocKey": "",
                "titleLocArgs": "",
                "key": []
                       "web": {
                "title": "Hi",
                "icon": "",
                               "clickAction": "",
                "key": [{
                    "name": "title",
                    "value": "Hi"
            "jpush": {
                "key": [{
                    "name": "title",
                    "value": "Hi"
            "windows": {
                "notificationType": "TOAST",
                "text1": "Hi",
                "text2": "##First Name####Last Name##",
                "screenName": "",
                "params": {
                    "key": []
                "title": "",
                "badge": "",
                "imagePath": ""
            "wns": {
                "notificationType": "TOAST",
                "text1": "Hi",
                "text2": "##First Name####Last Name##",
                "screenName": "",
                "params": {
                    "key": []
                "template": "",
                "version": "",
                "fallback": "",
                "badge": "",
                "image": "",
                "text": "",
                "value": ""
    "campaignMails": [{
        "subject": "Hi",
        "contentType": "text.html",
        "senderEmail": "",
        "senderName": "admin",
        "content": "##First Name####Email##",
        "mailsSent": 0,
        "mailsOpened": 0
    "campaignSms": [],
    "campaignVoiceSms": [],
    "campaignPasses": [{
        "passName": "eBay Summer Sale coupons",
        "passType": "COUPON",
        "passOpened": 0,
        "passSent": 0,
        "passIntegrationConfig": {
            "passIssueNotificationDetails": [{
                "channel": "SMS",
                "enabled": true,
"Online shopping June 2016",
                "subject": "",
                "senderName": "",
                "senderEmail": ""
        "passContent": {
            "basicDetails": {
                "passSerialNumber": "",
                "groupIdentifier": "",
                "appLaunchURL": "",
                "ituneIdentifiers": "",
                "timezone": "  
(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
                "passType": "COUPON",
                "organizationName": "eBay",
                "description": "Online shopping",
                "passSerialNumberType": "AUTO_GEN",
                "eventTicketType": "",
                "customJsonData": {}
            "appearance": {
                "bgColor": "#64798c",
                "labelColor": "#ccdae9",
                "valueColor": "#ffffff",
                "suppressStripShine": false,
                "images": [{
                    "imageType": "ICON",
                    "imageFieldName": "icon",
                    "blob": "true"
            "frontLayout": {
                "logoText": "eBay",
                "headerFields": [{
                    "label": "Computer",
                    "data": "Laptops",
                    "changeMessage": "",
                    "displayRelatively": false,
                    "ignoreTimezone": false,
                    "key": "Summer Sale 2016",
                    "dataType": "TEXT",
                    "numberFormat": "",
                    "currency": "",
                    "dateTimeFormat": "",
                    "alignment": "LEFT",
                    "autolink": []
                "primaryFields": [],
                "auxiliaryFields": [],
                "secondaryFields": [],
                "barcodeDetails": {
                    "message": "",
                    "alternateText": "",
                    "barcodeType": "PDF417",
                    "embeddedFormat": "UTF_8"
                "transitType": ""
            "backLayout": {
                "fields": [{
                    "label": "Electronic Goods ",
                    "data": "Laptops and Gadgets",
                    "changeMessage": "",
                    "displayRelatively": false,
                    "ignoreTimezone": false,
                    "key": "Electronic",
                    "dataType": "TEXT",
                    "numberFormat": "",
                    "currency": "",
                    "dateTimeFormat": "",
                    "alignment": "",
                    "autolink": []
                "enableAutoUpdates": false
            "passRelevance": {
                "relevantDate": "",
                "ignoreTimezone": false,
                "relevantLocations": [],
                "relevantBeacons": [],
                "maxDistance": ""
            "passRules": {
                "stopAfter": "09/30/2016 12:00:00 AM",
                "expiryDate": "",
                "voided": false,
                "dateRestriction": "DONOT_ISSUE_AFTER"
            "languageDetails": {
                "originalFields": [],
                "languageEntries": [],
                "passLanguage": "EN"
    "campaignChannelPriorities": [],
    "status": "Running"

Sample Response

  "id" : "7",
  "message" : "Details updated successfully"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Details updated successfully
Status 400 Invalid request format
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request