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Update Pass API with Image Uploads

The Update Pass API with Image Uploads updates passes with images.


The HTTP URL for Update Pass API with Image Uploads is:


The Create App service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



Sample Request

"pkPass": pkPassFile,
passContent: "imageFieldName1": image,
"imageFieldName2": image,
passContent: {
"recipients": {
"recipient": [
"id": "48494"
"passIntegrationConfig": {
"passIssueNotificationDetails": [
"channel": "SMS",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Content of your email. Using place holderĀ ##SMS Pass Link## will generate pass download link."
"channel": "EMAIL",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Content of your email. Using place holderĀ ##Email Pass Link## will generate pass download link.",
"subject": "subject for the mail",
"senderName": "The email will be sent on this name",
"senderEmail": "The email will be sent from this Email ID"
"passUpdateNotificationDetails": [
"channel": "SMS",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "SMS to be sent when the user downloads the pass."
"channel": "EMAIL",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Email to be sent when the user downloads the pass.",
"subject": "subject for the mail",
"senderName": "The email will be sent on this name",
"senderEmail": "The email will be sent from this Email ID"
"priority": true,
"startTimeStamp": 0,
"endTimeStamp": 0

Sample Response

{"requestId":"2318508739642895844","description":"Request Queued. "}

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Request queued
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request