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Modify Pass Template by ID

The Modify Pass Template by ID API accepts the template ID as an input parameter and modifies the details of a pass template.


The HTTP URL for Modify Pass Template by ID API is:


This service implements ‘Gateway Filter for Authentication’ to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Level – Two Level – Three Type Description
name     string The unique name assigned to a pass template
passIntegrationConfig       An array of passIntegrationConfig objects
  passIssueNotificationDetails     An array of passIssueNotificationDetails objects
    channel string Channel type as push , SMS or email
    enabled boolean If channel type is enabled or not
    messageContent string Message description
    subject string Subject of the pass template. The subject convey the essence of the pass template
    senderName string Name of the sender
    senderEmail string Email ID of the sender
  passContent     An array of passContent objects
    basicDetails   An array of basicDetails objects. For more details, see
    appearance   An array of appearance objects. For more details, see
    frontLayout   An array of frontLayout objects. For more details, see
    backLayout   An array of backLayout objects. For more details, see
    passRelevance   An array of passRelevance objects. For more details, see
    passRules   An array of passRules objects. For more details, see
    languageDetails   An array of languageDetails objects. For more details, see

Sample Request

"name": "TestTemplate",
"passIntegrationConfig": {
"passIssueNotificationDetails": [
"channel": "SMS",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Content of your email. Using place holder ##SMS Pass Link## will generate pass download link."
"channel": "EMAIL",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Content of your email. Using place holder ##Email Pass Link## will generate pass download link.",
"subject": "subject for the mail",
"senderName": "The email will be sent on this name",
"senderEmail": "The email will be sent from this email ID"
"passUpdateNotificationDetails": [
"channel": "SMS",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "SMS to be sent when the user downloads the pass."
"channel": "EMAIL",
"enabled": true/false,
"messageContent": "Email to be sent when the user downloads the pass.",
"subject": "subject for the mail",
"senderName": "The email will be sent on this name",
"senderEmail": "The email will be sent from this email ID"
"passContent": {
"basicDetails": {
"passType": "A Constant value applicable for PassType",
"passTypeIdentifier": "",
"passSerialNumberType": "A Constant value applicable for PassSerialNumberType",
"passSerialNumber": "",
"groupIdentifier": "",
"appLaunchURL": "",
"ituneIdentifiers": "Comma separated iTunes Identifier values.",
"customJsonData": "",
"timezone": "A Constant value applicable for TimeZones",
"organizationName": "",
"description": ""
"appearance": {
"bgColor": "the color value in hexadecimal",
"labelColor": "the color value in hexadecimal",
"valueColor": "the color value in hexadecimal",
"suppressStripShine": true/false,
"images": [
"imageType": "A Constant value applicable for ImageType",
"blob": trueifyouareuploadingimageorusingimageId,
"url": "url of the image",
"imageId": "the image id stored in Volt MX Foundry Messaging system",
"imageFieldName": "name of the field from the request parameters that is applicable here"
"frontLayout": {
"logoText": "",
"transitType": "A Constant value applicable for TransitType",
"headerFields": [
"label": "",
"data": "",
"dataType": "A Constant value applicable for PassDataType",
"numberFormat": "A Constant value applicable for NumberFormatType",
"currency": "A Constant value applicable for CurrencyFormat",
"dateTimeFormat": "A Constant value applicable for DateFormatType",
"displayRelatively": true/false,
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"alignment": "A Constant value applicable for PassFieldAlignment",
"autolink": "A Constant value applicable for DataDetectorType",
"key": ""
"primaryFields": [
"label": "",
"data": "",
"dataType": "A Constant value applicable for PassDataType",
"numberFormat": "A Constant value applicable for NumberFormatType",
"currency": "A Constant value applicable for CurrencyFormat",
"dateTimeFormat": "A Constant value applicable for DateFormatType",
"displayRelatively": true/false,
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"alignment": "A Constant value applicable for PassFieldAlignment",
"autolink": "A Constant value applicable for DataDetectorType",
"key": ""
"auxiliaryFields": [
"label": "",
"data": "",
"dataType": "A Constant value applicable for PassDataType",
"numberFormat": "A Constant value applicable for NumberFormatType",
"currency": "A Constant value applicable for CurrencyFormat",
"dateTimeFormat": "A Constant value applicable for DateFormatType",
"displayRelatively": true/false,
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"alignment": "A Constant value applicable for PassFieldAlignment",
"autolink": "A Constant value applicable for DataDetectorType",
"key": ""
"secondaryFields": [
"label": "",
"data": "",
"dataType": "A Constant value applicable for PassDataType",
"numberFormat": "A Constant value applicable for NumberFormatType",
"currency": "A Constant value applicable for CurrencyFormat",
"dateTimeFormat": "A Constant value applicable for DateFormatType",
"displayRelatively": true/false,
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"alignment": "A Constant value applicable for PassFieldAlignment",
"autolink": "A Constant value applicable for DataDetectorType",
"key": ""
"barcodeDetails": {
"barcodeType": "A Constant value applicable for BarcodeType",
"embeddedMessageType": "A Constant value applicable for barcodeType BarcodeMsgType",
"message": "",
"alternativeTextType": "A Constant value applicable for barcodeType BarcodeAltTextType",
"alternateText": "",
"embeddedFormat": "A Constant value applicable for barcodeType EncodingType"
"backLayout": {
"fields": [
"label": "",
"data": "",
"dataType": "A Constant value applicable for PassDataType",
"numberFormat": "A Constant value applicable for NumberFormatType",
"currency": "A Constant value applicable for CurrencyFormat",
"dateTimeFormat": "A Constant value applicable for DateFormatType",
"displayRelatively": true/false,
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"alignment": "A Constant value applicable for PassFieldAlignment",
"autolink": "A Constant value applicable for DataDetectorType",
"key": ""
"passRelevance": {
"relevantDate": "09/18/2014 12:00:00 AM",
"ignoreTimezone": true/false,
"relevantLocations": [
"id": ##idofthelocationstoredinVoltMXFoundryMessaging##,
"relevantText": "Relevant text to appear when user is in the given location"
"maxDistance": Maxradialdistancethatthepassisapplicablefortheabovegivenlocations,
"relevantBeacons": [
"id": ##idofthebeaconstoredinVoltMXFoundryMessaging##,
"relevantText": "Relevant text to appear when user is in the given beacon region"
"passRules": {
"dateRestriction": "A Constant value applicable for PassDateRestriction",
"stopAfter": "",
"expiryDate": "09/26/2014 07:00:00 AM",
"voided": true/false
"languageDetails": {
"originalFields": [
"languageEntries": [
"language": "A Constant value applicable for Language",
"data": [
"localText": "translation for field1"
"localText": "translation for field2"
"localText": "translation for field3"
"images": [
"imageType": "A Constant value applicable for ImageType",
"blob": trueifyouareuploadingimageorusingimageId,
"url": "url of the image",
"imageId": "the image id stored in Volt MX Foundry Messaging system",
"imageFieldName": "name of the field from the request parameters that is applicable here"
"passLanguage": "A Constant value applicable for Language"

Sample Response

"message": "Details updated successfully",
   "id": "templateid"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Details updated successfully
Status 400 Invalid pass template ID provided or No pass template found with given ID
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request