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Welcome to VoltScript JSON Converter documentation

VoltScript JSON Converter is a VoltScript library that provides classes for configured deserialization / serialization of JSON. To get a general idea, see the simple deserialization / serialization examples.

What's new

For the latest release information about VoltScript JSON Converter, see What's new.

Using via dependency management

For using with dependency management, see Use dependency management.

How the documentation is organized

The documentation is based on the Diátaxis framework, which organizes documentation into the following modes to address users' documentation needs at different times and in different circumstances. Below shows an overview that guides you on where to look for needed information:

Tutorials - Hands-on introduction on how to use VoltScript JSON Converter

How-to guides - Practical step-by-step guides for performing tasks and operation

Topic guides - High-level discussion and explanation of key topics and concepts in VoltScript JSON Converter

References - Contain API documentation and test reports