' Path mapped to compile when file type is changed in *THIS* repo's source code, amend as necessary Use "../../../src/VoltScriptLogging" Sub Initialize Dim stringFormat as New BaseLogWriter("stringFormat", LOG_DEBUG, LOG_FATAL, "{{LEVELNAME}}: {{MESSAGE}}") Dim jsonFormat as New BaseLogWriter("jsonFormat", LOG_DEBUG, LOG_FATAL, |{ "level": "{{LEVELNAME}}", "message": "{{MESSAGE}}", "extendedInfo": "{{EXTENDEDINFO}}", "stack": "{{STACKTRACE}}" }|) Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_DEBUG, "Entered Initialize", "", "") Call globalLogSession.addLogWriter(stringFormat) Call globalLogSession.addLogWriter(jsonFormat) Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_INFO, "Added log writers", "string and json", "") Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_DEBUG, "Finished Initialize", "", "") End Sub Sub Terminate Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_DEBUG, "Entered Terminate", "", "") Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_INFO, "Terminating", "Note this fires before Delete in VoltScriptLogging", "") Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_DEBUG, "Finished Terminate", "", "") End Sub