Create Users
The Create Users API adds users into Engagement Services. This API creates a new user and returns an ID for that user in the engagement server.
The HTTP URL for Create Users API is:
This API implements Gateway Filter for Authentication/Basic Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.
The payload’s request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.
Input Parameters
The following fields are input parameters:
Input Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
firstName | Yes | string | First (given) name of the user |
lastName | Yes | string | Last name (surname) of the user |
state | Yes | string | If the selected country is USA, the state option is mandatory |
country | Yes | string | Country to which the user belongs |
Yes | string | Email address of the user | |
mobileNumber | Optional | long | Mobile phone number of the user. If mobileNumber is specified as the reconciliationKey, then it is a required value and must be specified for all users. An empty value will cause an error. |
smsSubscription | optional | boolean | Whether SMS subscription is enabled. |
voiceSubscription | optional | boolean | Whether Voice SMS subscription is enabled. |
emailSubscription | optional | boolean | Whether email subscription is enabled. |
lastActiveDate | Optional | string | The date when the user is last active. |
Sample Request
"firstName" : "Latha",
"lastName" : "Ganesh",
"country" : "India",
"mobileNumber" : "",
"email" : "",
"smsSubscription" : true,
"voiceSubscription" : true,
"emailSubscription" : true,
"state" : "",
Output Parameters
The following fields are output parameters:
Output Parameter | Type | Description |
id | long | Unique id assigned to a user |
message | string | Response status message |
Sample Response
"id" : "9",
"message" : "Details added successfully"
Note: If the user already exists in the Engagement Server, either with an email ID or a mobile number or any dynamic attributes (marked as reconciliation key), then the response throws an error message along with the existing user ID in the system.
Response Status
Code | Description |
Status 200 | Details added successfully |
Status 400 | Attribute ‘phonenumber’ is a mandatory field. Please provide a valid value for the sameMobile number should have country code followed by ten digit numberUser already exists with this mobile numberThe request contains invalid attributesUser already exists with this Email |
Status 401 | Unauthorized request |
Status 500 | Server failure to process request |