User Guide: SDKs > Android SDK > Invoking a Sync Service
Invoking a Sync Service
- Getting Sync Instance
- Creating a Sync Object
- Error Codes
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in Native SDK
- Updating a Sync Object
- Retrieving an Object
- Deleting an Object
- Pushing (or syncing ) Changes to the Sync Server
Getting Sync Instance
To get sync service instance pass context of the activity.
//getting and initialising sync service
Sync s = null;
try {
s = new VoltMXClient().getSyncService();
//init success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//init failed
Creating a Sync Object
Create a Sync Object
You need to have the following files to use Sync SDKs:
Once you upload the sync config file, the system generates code. For Android, the generated code will contain the following two packages:
: This contains model class for each object in sync config and named
: This contains single class containing ddls needed to create device database and named as
Import above packages into your project.
Error Codes
The following is a list of error codes for Android platform along with the corresponding causes and error messages:
Error Code | Cause | Error Message | Comments |
HCL1000E | Unknown Error | ||
HCL1001E | Please initialize init before calling any other API | ||
HCL1002E | Out of memory | cplusplus > bad_alloc | |
HCL1003E | Input Output Exception | cplusplus > ios_base | |
HCL1004E | Error occurred while creating database path: |
HCL1005E | Null Pointer Exception | ||
HCL1006E | Error occurred while parsing metadata | ||
HCL1007E | Row Doesn’t Exist | ||
HCL1008E | Session in progress | ||
HCL1009E | Cannot delete as child record(s) with cascades false exist for this record | ||
HCL8888E | whatever message comes from server | ||
HCL1010E | UpgradeRequired In Progress | ||
1000 | Unknown error occurred at network layer | Unknown Error occurred | |
1005 | Invalid input url. Please check the url | Invalid input url. Please check the url | |
1012 | Network Request Failed | Request Failed | |
1011 | Device has no data connectivity. Please try the operation after establishing connectivity. | ||
HCL2005E | Invalid Arguments for the API (Messages Differ as per the API Calls) For example, eventType can not be null. Provide a proper eventType eventSubType value is greater than 256 characters. Provide a Event Subtype with at most 256 chars etc. | ||
HCL2000E | 1. Not able to add header or param to service 2. Not able to start a thread for making network call | <Generic exception, error message will be thrown by android layer> | |
HCL2001E | fetchDetailsIn Background | javase/7/docs/ api/java/lang/ InstantiationException.html | |
HCL2002E | 1.Fetch Details In Background2. initializing sync service | 7/docs/api/java/lang/ IllegalAccessException.html | |
HCL2003E | initializing sync service | /docs/api/java/lang/ NoSuchFieldException.html | |
HCL2004E | initializing sync service | docs/api/java/lang/ SecurityException.html | |
HCL2009E | initializing sync service | docs/api/java/lang/ IllegalAccessException.html | |
HCL2006E | initializing sync service | /docs/api/java/lang/ ClassNotFoundException.html | |
HCL2010E | Security Exception in networkcalls | ||
HCL2011E | IOException in networkcalls | ||
HCL2012E | Connection Time out error | ||
HCL2013E | No HttpResponseException in network calls | ||
HCL2007E | When no object is found in fetchDetails() | ||
HCL2008E | When encounters an improper JSON |
Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations in Native SDK
For both Create and Update, we have the same APIs. If object passed is a new object then create happens, otherwise if object is fetched from device update happens.
Creating a Record
API Used: public
Sample Code
try {
Categories cat = new Categories();
//save success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//save failed
Creating a Record in Background
API Used: public
Sample Code:
Categories c = new Categories();
SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().saveInBackground(c, new SyncObjectCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException e) {
//save failed
public void onSuccess(Categories arg0) {
//save success
Bulk Create
try {
List < Categories > catList = new ArrayList < Categories > ();
//create first category
Categories cat = new Categories();
//create 2nd category
Categories cat1 = new Categories();
//create 3rd category
Categories cat2 = new Categories();
//bulk save success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//bulk save failed
Bulk Create in Background
List < Categories > catList = new ArrayList < Categories > ();
//create first category
Categories cat = new Categories();
//create 2nd category
Categories cat1 = new Categories();
//create 3rd category
Categories cat2 = new Categories();
new SyncObjectListCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onSuccess(List < Categories > arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Bulk Update
try {
//First get records from db
Query < Categories > query = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createQuery(Categories.class);
List < Categories > categoriesList = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().executeQuery(query);
//update categories list
for (Categories cat: categoriesList) {
cat.setCategoryName("Fruits Updated");
//save success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//save failed
Bulk Update in Background
//First get records from db
Query < Categories > query = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createQuery(Categories.class);
new SyncObjectListCallback & lt; Categories & gt;
() {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//get failure
public void onSuccess(List < Categories > arg0) {
//update categories list
for (Categories cat: arg0) {
cat.setCategoryName("Fruits Updated");
new SyncObjectListCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
// update failure
public void onSuccess(List < Categories > arg0) {
//update success
Updating a Sync Object
Updating a Record
try {
//First get record from db
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
Categories cat = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().getObject(Categories.class, pk);
//update the record
cat.setCategoryName("Fruits Updated");
cat.setDescription("Apple Updated");
//save success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//save failed
Updating a Record in Background
//First get record from db
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().getObjectInBackground(Categories.class, pk,
new SyncObjectCallback & lt; Categories & gt;
() {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//get record failed
public void onSuccess(Categories c) {
//update the record
c.setCategoryName("Fruits Updated");
c.setDescription("Apple Updated");
SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().saveInBackground(c, new SyncObjectCallback & lt; Categories & gt;
() {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException e) {
//save failed
public void onSuccess(Categories arg0) {
//save success
Retrieving an Object
Executing Queries
Query class can be used to define queries.
Execute Query
SyncDataStore dataStore = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance();
Query < Categories > query = dataStore.createQuery(Categories.class);
try {
List<Categories> categoriesList = dataStore.executeQuery(query);
//query success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//query failed
Execute Query in Background
SyncDataStore dataStore = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance();
Query < Categories > query = dataStore.createQuery(Categories.class);
dataStore.executeQueryInBackground(query, new SyncObjectListCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//query failed
public void onSuccess(List<Categories> arg0) {
//query success
Getting an Object
To retrieve an object from database using its primary key.
try {
//define pk
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
Categories cat = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().getObject(Categories.class, pk);
//get success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//get failed
getObject in background
//getobject in background
//define pk
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
SyncFactory.getSyncDataStoreInstance().getObjectInBackground(Categories.class, pk,
new SyncObjectCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//get record failed
public void onSuccess(Categories c) {
//get success
Fetching an Object
To fetch all the details of a partially fetched object.
Fetching an Object
//fetchDetails try{ //Get partial object - Only CategoryIds from Category table
SyncDataStore dataStore = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance();
Query < Categories > query = dataStore.createQuery(Categories.class);
List < Categories > categoriesList = dataStore.executeQuery(query);
//now fill all the partial objects
for (Categories c: categoriesList) {
//fetch success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//fetch failed
Fetching an Object in Background
//fetchDetails in background
try {
//Get partial object - Only CategoryIds from Category table
SyncDataStore dataStore = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance();
Query < Categories > query = dataStore.createQuery(Categories.class);
List < Categories > categoriesList = dataStore.executeQuery(query);
//fill first partial object
Categories c = categoriesList.get(0);
dataStore.fetchDetailsInBackground(c, new SyncObjectCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//fetch success
public void onSuccess(Categories arg0) {
//fetch failed
//fetch success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//fetch failed
Deleting an Object
try {
//First get record from db
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
Categories cat = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().getObject(Categories.class, pk);
//delete success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//delete failed
Delete in Background
//Define PK
PrimaryKey pk = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createPrimaryKeyInstance();
pk.setAttribute("CategoryID", 1);
SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().deleteInBackground(Categories.class, pk, new SyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//delete failed
public void onSuccess() {
//delete success
Bulk Delete
try {
//First get records from db
Query < Categories > query = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createQuery(Categories.class);
List < Categories > categoriesList = SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().executeQuery(query);
//delete success
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
//delete failed
Bulk Delete in Background
//First get records from db
Query < Categories > query = SyncFactory.getSyncDataStoreInstance().createQuery(Categories.class);
SyncFactory.getSyncDataStoreInstance().executeQueryInBackground(query, new SyncObjectListCallback < Categories > () {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
//get failure
public void onSuccess(List < Categories > arg0) {
SyncClient.getSyncDataStoreInstance().bulkDeleteInBackground(arg0, new SyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(VoltMXException arg0) {
// delete failure
public void onSuccess() {
//delete success
Pushing (or syncing ) Changes to the Sync Server
The startSessionInBackgroundAPI can be used to sync (upload and download/push and pull) changes between device and sync server. This is purely asynchronous API. To get notifications during the API execution you can implement SyncListener interface and pass object of implementing class to synchronize.
Sync s;
try {
//get sync service
s = new VoltMXClient().getSyncService();
// create instance of sync listener. ListenerImpl which implements SyncListener
SyncListener listener = new ListenerImpl(this);
//add sync listener
//start sync session
} catch (VoltMXException e) {
Configuring Various Sync Options
You can use sync options class to configure various sync options like:
- Upload Error Policy: This policy can be used to configure whether to continue or abort on getting upload error. Default value is continue on error.
- Schema Upgrade Policy: This policy is used to configure what action to be taken when schema upgrade is available. Default value is upload and upgrade.
- Enabling or disabling download/upload for a scope: Default value is continue on error.
- Adding filter for syncing: This can be used to set download filters. By default, all pass filters are used.
- Configuring remove after upload policy: this can be used to configure removal of records instance from device after successful upload. By default, this option is disabled for all scopes.
Configuring NetworkOptions
The NetworkOptions class can be used to configure various options for APIs that use the network.
For example, startSessionInBackground, performUpgradeInBackground, and isUpgradeRequiredInBackground.
Following options can be configured:
- Network Timeout: the time for which device should wait for server to respond. If server does not respond in the specified time, an error is thrown. Default value is ten seconds.
- Retry Count: Retry count specifies how many times a request can be sent to server in case of a server error. Default value is five.
- Retry Wait Time: Time between two retries. Default value is five seconds.
- Retry Listener: The listener which should be invoked on each retry.