User Guide: Object Services > File Service Adapters > Cloudian Adapter
Cloudian Adapter
Cloudian HyperStore is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage service that is provided by Cloudian Inc. The Cloudian service on Volt MX Foundry connects to the specified S3 bucket on a HyperStore, and also performs supported operations, such as uploading and downloading files.
You can use the service in scenarios where you want to store the data for your app (such as archives, website data, or data lakes) on a Cloudian HyperStore.
Configure an object service for Cloudian
To configure an S3 File Storage adapter, follow these steps:
- While selecting an endpoint for an object service, from the Endpoint Type list, select Cloudian.
In the Name field, provide a unique name for your service.
Note: If you have an existing service with the same name, you can select a different Version for the service.
Under Connection Parameters, provide the following details.
Fields Description Upload Type The type of data that you want to upload to the HyperStore.This parameter is optional. Access Key The access key ID of the Cloudian HyperStore. Access Secret The secret access key of the Cloudian HyperStore. Backend URL The URL of the service endpoint the Cloudian HyperStore. Region The region code of the service endpoint. Bucket Path The path of the bucket that you want to use on the Cloudian HyperStore. Service Namespace The namespace of the resource that you want to use on the Cloudian HyperStore. Advanced Settings Additional settings that are configured for the Cloudian HyperStore.This parameter is optional. -
For additional configuration of your service definition, provide the following details in the Advanced section.
Field Description Custom code Specifies any custom business logic that you want to use for the service and the operations. The custom business logic must be in a JAR file. To specify a JAR associated to the service, select one from the Select Existing JAR drop-down menu or click Upload New to add a new JAR file. For on-premise instances of Volt MX Foundry, make sure that the JAR file that is built on the same JDK version that is used to install Volt MX Foundry Integration. API Throttling API throttling on the Volt MX Foundry Console limits the number of request calls within a minute. To use API Throttling, configure the following fields: Total Rate Limit: Limits the number of requests that are processed by the service Rate Limit Per IP: Limits the number of requests that are processed by an IP address To override throttling from the Volt MX Foundry App Services Console, refer to Override API Throttling Configuration. Note:
Options in the Advanced section are optional. - Enter the Description for the service.
- Click SAVE to save your service definition.
Cloudian Operations
After you create an object service for the Cloudian, Volt MX Foundry creates a default object for the service. Foundry also creates operations for the service.
The operations are REST APIs that are mapped to back-end methods, such as GET and CREATE. For more information about these operations, refer to File Storage Adapter APIs.
You can invoke the operations from a Volt MX Iris project by using the Volt MX Foundry SDKs. For example, to upload an image file from the client app to the S3 bucket on the Cloudian HyperStore, you can use the following code:
//Function to upload a file to the bucket
function uploadFile()
currentObj = voltmx.sdk.getCurrentInstance();
objSvc = currentObj.getObjectService("<Object-Service>", {"access" : "online"});
headers = {};
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
fileMap = {};
fileMap["rawBytes"] = voltmx.convertToBase64(<Form>.<Image-Widget>.rawBytes);
metadata = {};
metadata["file_name"] = <Form>.<TextBox-Widget>.text + ".jpg";
metadata["security_key"] = <Form>.<TextBox-Widget_Secure>.text;
metadata["file_namespace"] = "review";
uploadEntityType = "UploadInputTypeRawBytes";
uploadParams = {};
uploadParams["headers"] = headers;
uploadParams["metadata"] = metadata;
uploadParams["file"] = fileMap;
function successCallback(response)
alert("Upload successful for " + metadata["file_name"] + " : " + JSON.stringify(response));
function failureCallback(error)
alert("Upload Error " + JSON.stringify(error));
options =
disableIntegrityCheck: true
objSvc.getFileStorage().upload(uploadEntityType, uploadParams, successCallback, failureCallback, options);
In the code snippet, the rawBytes of the image are fetched from an Image Widget on a form. The rawBytes are then uploaded to the S3 bucket by using the upload API.