Form Template
The Form Template feature of Volt MX Iris provides an easy way to reuse a format of a Form across the project. Templates provide an easy way to display the same UI pattern across multiple Forms, platforms, and projects.
For example, you can create a Template for a basic Login Form that has two TextBox widgets for the Username and Password fields, and a Login Button. You can reuse this template across multiple Forms and add customizations based on the requirements.
To design a Form Template, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Project Explorer of the Volt MX Iris project.
- Navigate to a channel and Create a New Form.
- Create the base design for the Form Template by adding widgets to the Form, as required.
- From the Project Explorer, right-click the form, and select Add to Collection form the Context menu.
- Select the Library and Collection that you want to add the Form Template to.
Alternatively, you can also create a New Library or Collection for the Form Template. - The Form appears in the My Libraries > Collections section of Volt MX Iris.
You can drag and drop the Template from the My Libraries > Collections section onto a Form to use it.
To use a Form Template, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Project Explorer of the Volt MX Iris project.
Navigate to a desired channel and right-click Forms.
Note: Ensure that you have created the Form Template for the same channel.
From the context menu that appears, select New Form from Template.
Note: Ensure that the Collection in which the Form Template is present is displayed in the My Libraries section.
- Navigate to the Collection in which the Form Template is present and select the required template.
- A new Form appears in on the Canvas and in the Project Explorer with the name CopyForm.
This new Form is created with the specified template.