Data Type : Distinguished Name
DN_COMPONENTS - Components of a distinguished name
#include <dname.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
DWORD Flags; /* Parsing flags */
WORD CLength; /* Country name length */
char far *C; /* Country name pointer */
WORD OLength; /* Organization name length */
char far *O; /* Organization name pointer */
WORD OULength[DN_OUNITS]; /* Org Unit name lengths
OULength[0] is rightmost org
unit */
char far *OU[DN_OUNITS]; /* Org unit name pointers
OU[0] is rightmost org
unit */
WORD CNLength; /* Common name length */
char far *CN; /* Common name pointer */
WORD DomainLength; /* Domain name length */
char far *Domain; /* Domain name pointer */
WORD PRMDLength; /* Private management domain
name length */
char far *PRMD; /* Private management domain
name pointer */
WORD ADMDLength; /* Administration management
domain name length */
char far *ADMD; /* Administration management
domain name pointer */
WORD GLength; /* Given name length */
char far *G; /* Given name name pointer */
WORD SLength; /* Surname length */
char far *S; /* Surname pointer */
WORD ILength; /* Initials length */
char far *I; /* Initials pointer */
WORD QLength; /* Generational qualifier
(e.g., Jr) length */
char far *Q; /* Generational qualifier
(e.g., Jr) pointer */
/* Original V4 structure ended here.
The following fields were added in V5 */
WORD PhraseLength; /* Internet Address Phrase Part
length */
char far *Phrase; /* Internet Address Phrase Part
pointer */
WORD LPLength; /* Internet Address Local Part
length */
char far *LP; /* Internet Address Local Part
pointer */
WORD RLength; /* Internet Address Route
length */
char far *R; /* Internet Address Route
pointer */
WORD CMTLength[DN_MAX_COMMENTS]; /* Internet Address Comment
lengths */
char far *CMT[DN_MAX_COMMENTS]; /* Internet Address Comment
pointers */
WORD Address821Length; /* Route address OR simple
address portion of 822
style internet address
length */
char far *Address821; /* Route address OR simple
address portion of 822
style internet address
pointer */
WORD HierarchyOnlyLength; /* Hierarchy only (all
components after CN)
length */
char far *HierarchyOnly; /* Hierarchy only (all
components after CN)
pointer */
char far *UID; /* LDAP/X.500 userid */
WORD UIDLength; /* LDAP/X.500 userid length */
char far *L; /* LDAP/X.500 localityName */
WORD LLength; /* LDAP/X.500 localityName
length */
WORD STLength; /* LDAP/X.500
length */
char far *ST; /* LDAP/X.500
stateOrProvinceName */
WORD STREETLength; /* LDAP/X.500 streetAddress
length */
char far *STREET; /* LDAP/X.500 streetAddress */
WORD DCLength[DN_DCS]; /* LDAP/X.500 domainComponent
length */
char far *DC[DN_DCS]; /* LDAP/X.500 domainComponent*/
WORD CN2Length; /* LDAP/X.500 container type
commonName length */
char far *CN2; /* LDAP/X.500 container type
commonName */
WORD OUExtLength[DN_OUS_EXT]; /* LDAP/X.500
organizationalUnit name
lengths */
/* OUExtLength[0] is rightmost
org unit, in addition to the
OULength[DN_OUNITS] */
char far *OUExt[DN_OUS_EXT]; /* LDAP/X.500
organizationalUnit name
lengths */
/* OUExt[0] is rightmost org
unit, in addition to the
Description :
This structure contains the components of a distinguished name.
String components are not null terminated.