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Function : Distinguished Name
DNParse - Parses a distinguished name into standard components.

#include <dname.h>

    DWORD  Flags,
    const char far *TemplateName,
    const char far *InName,
    DN_COMPONENTS far *Comp,
    WORD  CompSize);
Description :

This function parses a distinguished name into its standard components.

An escape mechanism is provided to allow the '=' and the '/' characters to occur in the value of one of the components of the name by preceding the character with the '$' character.

Below are some examples of the components returned in DN_COMPONENTS by DNParse given the specified InName parameter.

InName: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/CN=Jayne Doe@FooDomain" DN_COMPONENTS: Flags: DN_NONABBREV Country Name: "GB" Org Name: "CAM" Org Unit: Common Name: "Jayne Doe" Domain: "FooDomain" Private Management Domain: "Red Squadron" Administration Management Domain: "RN" Given Name: Surname: Initials: Generational Qualifier: Internet Address Phrase Part: Internet Address Local Part: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/CN=Jayne Doe" Internet Address Route: Internet Address Comment: Route address or 822 Simple Address: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/CN=Jayne Doe@FooDomain" Hierarchy Only: LDAP uid: Locality:

InName: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/S=Doe/G=Jayne" DN_COMPONENTS: Flags: DN_NONABBREV Country Name: "GB" Org Name: "CAM" Org Unit: Common Name: Domain: Private Management Domain: "Red Squadron" Administration Management Domain: "RN" Given Name: "Jayne" Surname: "Doe" Initials: Generational Qualifier: Internet Address Phrase Part: Internet Address Local Part: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/CN=Jayne Doe" Internet Address Route: Internet Address Comment: Route address or 822 Simple Address: "/C=GB/A=RN/P=Red Squadron/O=CAM/CN=Jayne Doe@FooDomain" Hierarchy Only: LDAP uid: Locality:

InName: "Jayne Doe" DN_COMPONENTS: Flags: DN_NONDISTINGUISHED Country Name: Org Name: Org Unit: Common Name: "Jayne Doe" Domain: "" Private Management Domain: Administration Management Domain: Given Name: Surname: Initials: Generational Qualifier: Internet Address Phrase Part: "Jayne Doe Internet Address Local Part: "jdoe" Internet Address Route: Internet Address Comment: Route address or 822 Simple Address: "" Hierarchy Only: LDAP uid: Locality:

InName: "Jayne Doe/Sales$/Marketing/Lotus/GB" DN_COMPONENTS: Flags: 0 Country Name: "GB" Org Name: "Lotus" Org Unit: Sales$/Marketing Common Name: "Jayne Doe" Domain: Private Management Domain: Administration Management Domain: Given Name: Surname: Initials: Generational Qualifier: Internet Address Phrase Part: Internet Address Local Part:
Internet Address Route: Internet Address Comment: Route address or 822 Simple Address: Hierarchy Only: Sales$/Marketing/Lotus/GB LDAP uid: Locality:

Parameters : Input : Flags - Reserved for future use. Always pass in 0L for this argument.

TemplateName - Currently not supported. Always pass in NULL for this argument.

InName - Pointer to the null terminated distinguished name that is to be parsed.

CompSize - Size of the buffer (DN_COMPONENTS structure) that the Comp parameter points to.

Output : (routine) - Return status of the call - indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:


ERR_DN_COMP_VERSION - CompSize parameter is an invalid value.

ERR_xxx - Error returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to interpret the code.

Comp - Pointer to a DN_COMPONENTS structure. The structure contains the returned components of the InName parameter.

Sample Usage :

char InName[MAXUSERNAME];    /* InName */
   char Tmp[MAXUSERNAME];
short i;
    STATUS error;

/* ... */

   error = DNParse(0L, NULL, InName, &DNComp, sizeof(DNComp));
   if (error)                                                  
      return (error);                                          

   printf ("\n\nDN_COMPONENTS for %s\n", InName);

   printf ("Flags:  %lu\n", DNComp.Flags);

   strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.C, DNComp.CLength);                     
   Tmp[DNComp.CLength] = '\0';                                 
   printf ("Country Name:  %s\n", Tmp); 

   strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.O, DNComp.OLength);                     
   Tmp[DNComp.OLength] = '\0';                                 
   printf ("Org Name:  %s\n", Tmp);  

   for ( i = 0; i < DN_OUNITS, DNComp.OULength[i]; i++)        
      strncpy (Tmp, DNComp.OU[i], DNComp.OULength[i]);         
      Tmp[DNComp.OULength[i]] = '\0';                          
      printf ("Org Unit Name:  %s\n", Tmp);                    

   strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.CN, DNComp.CNLength);                   
   Tmp[DNComp.CNLength] = '\0';                                
   printf ("Common Name:  %s\n", Tmp); 

   strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.Domain, DNComp.DomainLength);
   Tmp[DNComp.DomainLength] = '\0';         
   printf ("Domain:  %s\n",DNComp.Domain);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.PRMD, DNComp.PRMDLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.PRMDLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Private management domain:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.ADMD, DNComp.ADMDLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.ADMDLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Administration management domain:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.G, DNComp.GLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.GLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Given Name:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.S, DNComp.SLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.SLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Surname:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.I, DNComp.ILength);
      Tmp[DNComp.ILength] = '\0';
      printf ("Initials:  %s\n", Tmp);
      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.Q, DNComp.QLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.QLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Generational qualifier:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.Phrase, DNComp.PhraseLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.PhraseLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Internet Address Phrase Part:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.LP, DNComp.LPLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.LPLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Internet Address Local Part:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.R, DNComp.RLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.RLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Internet Address Route:  %s\n", Tmp);

      for ( i = 0; i < DN_MAX_COMMENTS, DNComp.CMTLength[i]; i++)
         strncpy (Tmp, DNComp.CMT[i], DNComp.CMTLength[i]);
         Tmp[DNComp.CMTLength[i]] = '\0';
         printf ("Internet Address Comment:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.Address821, DNComp.Address821Length);
      Tmp[DNComp.Address821Length] = '\0';
      printf ("Route Address or simple address portion:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.HierarchyOnly, DNComp.HierarchyOnlyLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.HierarchyOnlyLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Hierarchy Only:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.UID, DNComp.UIDLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.UIDLength] = '\0';
      printf ("LDAP uid:  %s\n", Tmp);

      strncpy(Tmp, DNComp.L, DNComp.LLength);
      Tmp[DNComp.LLength] = '\0';
      printf ("Locality:  %s\n", Tmp);

   /* ... */
See Also : DNAbbreviate DNCanonicalize DN_COMPONENTS