Data Type : Replica Info
REPLHIST_SUMMARY - Replication history summary structure in the array returned from NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary
#include <nsfdb.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
TIMEDATE ReplicationTime; /* Time returned from last replciation */
WORD AccessLevel; /* Access level at time of replication */
WORD AccessFlags; /* Access flags at time of replication */
WORD Direction; /* NEVER, SEND, RECEIVE */
DWORD ServerNameOffset; /* Server name offset in packed data */
WORD ServerNameLength; /* Server name length in packed data */
WORD FileNameLength; /* File name length in packed data */
/* Total server!!file length is */
/* ServerNameLength + FileNameLength + 2 */
/* to compensate for the !! separator */
WORD MoreInfo; /* contains MoreInfo from cache - includes complete
replication flag */
WORD wSpare; /* Room for growth */
DWORD dwSpare; /* Room for growth */
/* Server/file name pairs follow as */
/* "<server name>!!<file name>" with */
/* NULL after each pairing */
Description :
This structure is returned by NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary(). NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary() returns an array of REPLHIST_SUMMARY structures followed by the packed server and database filename data. This data is in the format, <server name>!!<database filename>, with a NULL terminator at the end of the database filename. Use the NSFGetSummaryServerNamePtr() and NSFGetSummaryFileNamePtr() macros for accessing the packed data following the REPLHISTORY_SUMMARY array.
See Also : NSFGetSummaryFileNamePtr NSFGetSummaryServerNamePtr NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary