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Function : Replica Info
NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary - Return the replication history summary information.

#include <nsfdb.h>

    DBHANDLE  hDb,
    DWORD  Flags,
    DHANDLE *rethSummary,
    DWORD *retNumEntries);
Description :

This function returns the replication history summary information in an array of REPLHIST_SUMMARY structures. The array of REPLHIST_SUMMARY structures is followed by the packed server and database filename data. This data is in the format, !!, with a NULL terminator at the end of the database filename.

If there is no summary information, this function returns ERR_SPECIAL_ID.

This function returns information that is also available from the Notes user interface via the File/Replication/History menu item selection.

Parameters : Input : hDb - A handle to the open Domino database.

Flags - Optional history summary flags enabling you to specify that wildcard entries are not to be returned and/or that sorting is to be done by date rather than by the default, server name. The flags may be OR'ed together to achieve the desired affect. See REPLHIST_xxx for the available flags. Specify, 0L, if no flags are desired.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:

NOERROR - Successfully obtained replication history summary information.

ERR_SPECIAL_ID - No Replication History Summary was found in this database.

ERR_xxx - Other errors returned by this function and includes errors returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to obtain a string to display to the user.

rethSummary - Handle to the returned summary information. The rethSummary is an array of REPLHIST_SUMMARY structures followed by the packed server and database filename data. The number of returned REPLHIST_SUMMARY structures is returned in *retNumEntries. Use OSLock() to obtain a pointer to the first structure in the array. Use the NSFGetSummaryServerNamePtr() and NSFGetSummaryFileNamePtr() macros for accessing the packed data following the REPLHISTORY_SUMMARY array. Be sure to free this memory by calling OSMemFree() when done.

retNumEntries - Pointer to the returned number of replication history summary entries.

Sample Usage :

STATUS     error = NOERROR;          /* error code from API calls */
DHANDLE      hReplHist;
char        szTimedate[MAXALPHATIMEDATE+1];
WORD        wLen;
DWORD       dwNumEntries, i;
char *pServerName;                    /* terminating NULL not included */
char szServerName[MAXUSERNAME + 1];
char *pFileName;                      /* includes terminating NULL */
char szDirection[10];                 /* NEVER, SEND, RECEIVE */

/* Open the database */

/* Get the Replication History Summary */
error = NSFDbGetReplHistorySummary (db_handle, 0, &hReplHist, &dwNumEntries);
if (error)
  NSFDbClose (db_handle);
  LAPI_RETURN (ERR(error));
/* Obtain a pointer to the first member of the Replication History Summary
   array */
pReplHist = OSLock (REPLHIST_SUMMARY, hReplHist);
for (i = 0; i < dwNumEntries; i++)
  ReplHist = pReplHist[i];
  error = ConvertTIMEDATEToText (NULL, NULL, &(ReplHist.ReplicationTime),
                               szTimedate, MAXALPHATIMEDATE, &wLen);
  if (error)
    OSUnlock (hReplHist);
    OSMemFree (hReplHist);
    NSFDbClose (db_handle);
    LAPI_RETURN (ERR(error));
  szTimedate[wLen] = '\0';
  if (ReplHist.Direction == DIRECTION_NEVER)
    strcpy (szDirection, "NEVER");
  else if (ReplHist.Direction == DIRECTION_SEND)
    strcpy (szDirection, "SEND");
  else if (ReplHist.Direction == DIRECTION_RECEIVE)
    strcpy (szDirection, "RECEIVE");
    strcpy (szDirection, "");

  pServerName = NSFGetSummaryServerNamePtr (pReplHist, i);
  strncpy (szServerName, pServerName, ReplHist.ServerNameLength);
  szServerName[ReplHist.ServerNameLength] = '\0';
  /* FileName will be NULL terminated */
  pFileName = NSFGetSummaryFileNamePtr (pReplHist, i);
  printf ("%s  %s %s (%s)\n", szTimedate, szServerName, pFileName, szDirection);
OSUnlock (hReplHist);
OSMemFree (hReplHist);
See Also : NSFGetSummaryFileNamePtr NSFGetSummaryServerNamePtr REPLHIST_SUMMARY