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Function : Compound Text
CompoundTextAddCDRecords - Add CD records to an existing CompoundText context.

#include <easycd.h>
STATUS LNPUBLIC CompoundTextAddCDRecords(

    DHANDLE  hCompound,
    void *pvRecord,
    DWORD  dwRecordLength);
Description :

This function adds a buffer of formatted CD records to an existing CompoundText context.

Parameters : Input : hCompound - Handle of CompoundText context.

pvRecord - A pointer to a buffer of formatted CD records.

dwRecordLength - The length of the buffer.

Output : (routine) - (routine) - Return status from this call:

NOERROR - Successfully added the buffer to the CompoundText context. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions: (memory management, file operations, network errors, etc.). There are so many possible causes, that it is best to use the code in a call to OSLoadString and display/log the error for the user as your default error handling.

See Also : CompoundTextClose CompoundTextCreate