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Function : Distinguished Name
DNCanonicalize - Canonicalizes an abbreviated distinguished name.

#include <dname.h>

    DWORD  Flags,
    const char far *TemplateName,
    const char far *InName,
    char far *OutName,
    WORD  OutSize,
    WORD far *OutLength);
Description :

This function converts a distinguished name in abbreviated format to canonical format. A fully distinguished name is in canonical format - it contains all possible naming components. The abbreviated format of a distinguished name removes the labels from the naming components.

Parameters : Input : Flags - Reserved for future use. Always pass in 0L for this argument.

TemplateName - Optional. Null-terminated template name string pointer. Use NULL to default the template to the current user name. The template is used when an abbreviated name consists only of the common name followed by a slash (such as "Mary Tsen/"). In this case, the resulting canonical name will have all the component types filled in according to the template. The template name string must be in canonical format.

InName - Pointer to the null terminated abbreviated distinguished name that is to be canonicalized. If this name includes non-standard components or is a non-distinguished name, the returned name is a copy of the input name.

OutSize - Size of the OutName buffer.

Output : (routine) - Return status of the call - indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:


ERR_xxx - Error returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to interpret the code.

OutName - Pointer to the returned canonical name string (null terminated). This string must be allocated by the caller. A buffer size of MAXUSERNAME is sufficient.

OutLength - Optional. Pointer to the returned length of the returned canonical name string. Use NULL if this information is not needed.

Sample Usage :

char AbbrevName[MAXUSERNAME]; 
char CanonName[MAXUSERNAME];
WORD retLen;  

/* ... */

   error = DNCanonicalize (0L, NULL, AbbrevName, CanonName, 
                           MAXUSERNAME, &retLen);     
See Also : DNAbbreviate DNParse