Function : Name & Address Book
NABLookupClose - Finish directory lookup operations by closing a NABLookup object.
#include <nlookup.h>
void LNPUBLIC NABLookupClose(
void **pNABLookup,
void *pNabLookupRecord,
DWORD dwNablookupRecordSize,
DWORD dwReserved,
void *vpReserved);
Finish directory lookup operations by closing a NABLookup object that was returned by a previous NABLookupOpen() call. Optionally free resources associated with a NABLookup record that is holding the results of a directory lookup.
Parameters : Input : pNABLookup - location where a pointer to a NABLookup object has been stored by NABLookupOpen()
pNabLookupRecord - (optional)pointer to the structure holding the results of a directory lookup which should be freed.
dwNablookupRecordSize - Size of the structure holding the results of a directory lookup. Required if pNabLookupRecord is specified.
dwReserved - Must be 0, for future use
Output : (routine) - None.
vpReserved - Must be NULL, for future use
Sample Usage :
void *pNABLookup = NULL;
NABLOOKUP_RECORD LookupEntry = {0};
/* this is the struct that holds results of lookup */
STATUS error = NABLookupOpen( &pNABLookup, 0, NULL );
if (!error) {
error = NABLookupAuthenticatedUser( pNABLookup,
pOrganizationName, /* set to NULL if none */
if (!error) {
/* do whatever needs to be done with the user's info in LookupEntry
struct */
/* Free the resources, and zero out the LookupEntry struct */
NABLookupClose( &pNABLookup, &LookupEntry, sizeof(NABLOOKUP_RECORD), 0, NULL );