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Function : Name & Address Book
NABLookupOpen - Prepare to do directory lookup operations by creating a NABLookup object.

#include <nlookup.h>

    void **retpNABLookup,
    DWORD  dwReserved,
    void *vpReserved);
Description :

Prepare to do directory lookup operations by creating a NABLookup object. For example, call NABLookupOpen() in order to prepare for calling NABLookupAuthenticatedUser(), which takes a NABLookup object as an input parameter. If NABLookupOpen() succeeds, the caller should eventually call NABLookupClose() to free resources.

Parameters : Input :

dwReserved - Must be 0, for future use.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call. NOERROR - Success. ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call to OSLoadString to interpret the error status as a string that you may display/log for the user.

retpNABLookup - location where a pointer to a NABLookup object can be stored.

vpReserved - Must be NULL, for future use.

Sample Usage :

void *pNABLookup = NULL;
STATUS error = NABLookupOpen (&pNABLookup, 0, NULL);

if (error)
  goto Done;
See Also : NABLookupAuthenticatedUser NABLookupClose