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Function : Address Book
NAMELocateItem - Locate an item value in a record in a look up buffer

#include <lookup.h>
void far * LNPUBLIC NAMELocateItem(

    void far *pMatch,
    WORD  Item,
    WORD far *retDataType,
    WORD far *retSize);
Description :

This routine gets information about an item in a look up buffer. It gets the location of the item value, the data type word, and value length. Use this function to get information about an item in a look up buffer returned from NAMELookup.

If the item is of TYPE_TEXT or TYPE_TEXT_LIST, use NAMEGetTextItem rather than this routine to retrieve text from the buffer.

NAMELookup creates and initializes a look up buffer containing information about a series of names. The buffer consists of a series of records, one record per name. A record may contain multiple matches to a given name. A match may contain multiple item values if multiple items were requested in the NAMELookup call. See NAMELookup arguments "Items" and "NumItems".

After NAMELookup returns the buffer, use NAMELocateNextName to locate the next record in the buffer. Use NAMELocateNextMatch to locate one match in the record. Then use NAMELocateItem to get information about a specific item in the match.

Use the zero-based item number to specify one item in the match. The item number is the index of the item in the series of items specified in the "Items" argument to NAMELookup.

Parameters : Input : pMatch - address of a match in a look up buffer. Get this address by calling NameLocateNextMatch.

Item - Item number = index of the item name in the set specified by the "Items" argument to NAMELookup. Zero specifies the first item. Note: this item number must not be greater than the number of items specified by the "NumItems" argument to NAMELookup.

Output : (routine) - pointer to an item value in a look up buffer. NULL indicates the item is not present in the match. Item value begins with the data type word. However, caller can not directly de-reference this pointer to retrieve the data type word as it may be odd aligned. The data type word is returned separately.

retDataType - receives the data type word of the requested item (e.g. TYPE_TEXT).

retSize - receives the data length, in bytes, of the requested item value, including the data type word.

Sample Usage :

#define USERNAMESSPACE "$Users"
#define Names   "Bill Smith\0Ted Jones\0Marketing"
#define MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS "Domain\0Server\0PublicKey\0Members\0Certificate"
#define ITEM_DOMAIN   0
#define ITEM_SERVER   1
#define ITEM_MEMBERS  3

 NumNames = 3;       /* 3 names to look up */
 NumItems = 5;
 error = NAMELookup(pMailServerName,  /* Ptr to mail server name */
     0,     /* Flags */
     1,      /* Number of name spaces */
     USERNAMESSPACE,  /* Name of name space (view name) */
     NumNames,    /* # of names */
     Names,    /* Ptr to the names themselves */
     NumItems,    /* # of items desired */
     MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS, /* Ptr to the item names */
     &hLookup);   /*  Handle of returned buffer */
 if (error)
  goto Abort;

 pLookup = OSLockObject(hLookup);

 /* For each name requested, traverse the results for each name */

 for (pName = NULL, i = 0; i < NumNames; i++)
  /* Locate the set of matches for the next name searched for */

  pName = NAMELocateNextName(pLookup, pName, &NumMatches);

  /* Traverse all matches for this name */

  for (pMatch = NULL, j = 0; j < NumMatches; j++)
   pMatch = NAMELocateNextMatch(pLookup, pName, pMatch);

   /* Here, handle a simple (non-list) item for this match */

   pDomain = NAMELocateItem(pMatch, ITEM_DOMAIN, &DataType, &Size);
   if (pDomain == NULL)  /* if item not present in this match */
    continue;    /* go on to next match */

   /* Here, handle a text list or text item (this handles
    both kinds) and traverse all members */

   for (k = 0; ; k++)
    if (NAMEGetTextItem(pMatch, ITEM_MEMBERS, k, 
        Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)) != NOERROR)
OSMemFree (hLookup);
See Also : NAMELookup NAMELocateNextName NAMELocateNextMatch NAMEGetTextItem OSLockObject