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Function : Address Book
NAMELookup - Look up names in Address Books and get item values

#include <lookup.h>

    const char far *ServerName,
    WORD  Flags,
    WORD  NumNameSpaces,
    const char far *NameSpaces,
    WORD  NumNames,
    const char far *Names,
    WORD  NumItems,
    const char far *Items,
    DHANDLE far *rethBuffer);
Description :

Note: Address books refer to both Notes Client Address books, and Domino Server Address books know as Domino Directories.

   This routine looks up names in the Address Books. It retrieves item

values from each document it finds that matches a name. It returns a handle to a buffer that contains the values of the items requested. Free the buffer after processing the data in it.

Use this routine to efficiently find information stored in the Address books. NAMELookup is particularly useful for looking up information about a given name when you don't know, for example, whether the name corresponds to a person or a group, or when you don't know which Address book the name resides in.

NAMELookup handles multiple views, multiple names, and multiple items. It takes, as input, a list of view names, a list of names, and a list of items. It searches each view for each name in all the Address books in use. For each document that matches a name, NAMELookup reads the requested item values. It stores the item values in a buffer, and returns the buffer handle.

NAMELookup can be used with categorized (hierarchical) views, but this will require some knowledge of the view's hierarchy, since searches will be based on the categories in the view. For example, in the $People view in the Domino Directory, the first column is categorized by the first letter of the LastName item. Consequently, performing a lookup on the name "A" in the $People view will find all people whose last name begins with the letter "A". If a view has multiple levels of categorization, then NAMELookup will find only the documents immediately under the category specified in the Names parameter. For example, the $PeopleGroupsHier view is categorized based on an organization's hierarchy. Suppose a company "ABCorp" has users in the "Sales" and "Marketing" organizations. If you search the $PeopleGroupsHier, and specify "ABCorp" in the Names parameter, NAMELookup will find all people under the top-level of the organizational hierarchy "ABCorp", but not those in the organizational units.
Likewise, specifying "ABCorp\Sales" in the Names parameter will return all members of the /Sales/ABCorp organizational unit only.

The list of Address books in use is derived from the Directory Assistance database if the server is configured to have a Directory Assistance database.
Otherwise this list is derived from the NAMES variable in the notes.ini file which defines the list of Address books in use. If notes.ini does not specify a NAMES variable, the default is "names.nsf".

NAMELookup searches multiple Address books in the order specified by the Directory Assistance database or by the NAMES variable. NAMELookup stops searching for a given name as soon as it finds a match in one of the Address books. Therefore, if a given name appears in multiple Address books, NAMELookup only returns information for that name from the first database searched that contains a match.

NAMELookup reads item values from the document's summary buffer. Therefore, NAMELookup can only retrieve summary item values.

NAMELookup allocates a memory buffer, fills the buffer with the requested item values, and stores a handle to this buffer in rethBuffer. Lock the buffer before retrieving information from it. Locate information in this buffer using NAMELocateNextMatch, NAMELocateItem, and NAMELocateMatchAndItem. Retrieve information from this buffer using NAMEGetTextItem. Unlock and free the buffer after processing the information.

If the ServerName parameter is non-NULL, then the look up process takes place on the specified server. In this case, if the server is not configured to have a Directory Assistance database, the NAMES variable in the server's notes.ini file defines the list of Domino Directories searched. NAMELookup searches Domino Directory databases resident on the specified server.

It is important to note that if NameLookup is performed and the

specified server is not available then NameLookup automatically fails over to another server in the cluster. The failover continues until an available server is found or there is no available server in the cluster. Therefore, it is possible that the information could be retrieved from any server in the cluster.

The first time a process calls NAMELookup, it creates a list of open collections from the Address books identified by either the Directory Assistance database or the NAMES variable. It saves this list in memory to improve the efficiency of repeated look ups.

Parameters : Input : ServerName - Server where look up is performed. Look in the Domino Directories that reside on, and in use by, this server. Specify NULL to perform the lookup on, and search Address books in use by, the local system.

Flags - Flags to control lookup (see NAME_LOOKUP_xxx) for a list of the legal values. Normally 0.

NumNameSpaces - Number of views to search in each Address book.

NameSpaces - Address of a series of view names to be searched. Each view name must be a null-terminated LMBCS string. There must be NumNameSpaces view names in the series.

NumNames - Number of names being looked up. This parameter must be greater than 0. If Flags specify NAME_LOOKUP_ALL and Names = "", then specify NumNames = 1.

Names - Address of series of names to look up. Each name must be a null-terminated LMBCS string. The series must contain NumNames strings. If the view is categorized, you can look up the names in a specific category by specifying the category name in this parameter (see details above). Names may = "" if Flags specifies NAME_LOOKUP_ALL and NumNames = 1. This will return all documents, whether or not the view is categorized.

NumItems - Number of items to be returned

Items - Address of series of item names to return with each match. Each item name must be a null-terminated LMBCS string. The series must contain NumItems names.

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:

NOERROR - Successfully looked up specified names in Address books

ERR_NO_SUCH_NAMES_BOOK - An Address book does not exist

ERR_NO_SUCH_NAMESPACE - One of the specified views does not exist in any of the Address books.

ERR_NO_NAMES_FILE - Unable to open one of the address book databases.

ERR_xxx - Errors returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to obtain the error string.

rethBuffer - receives a handle to a buffer containing name information. Buffer consists of a header followed by a series of data records. The number of data records is equal to the number of views searched times the number of names. Use NAMELocateItem, NAMEGetTextItem, etc., to read information in the buffer. Free this buffer after processing the information it contains.

Sample Usage :

#define USERNAMESSPACE "$Users"
#define Names  "Bill Smith\0Ted Jones\0Marketing"
#define NUM_NAMES  3
#define MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS "Domain\0Server\0PublicKey\0Members\0Certificate"
#define ITEM_DOMAIN   0
#define ITEM_SERVER   1
#define ITEM_MEMBERS  3

 NumNames = NUM_NAMES;       /* 3 names to look up */
 error = NAMELookup(pMailServerName,  /* Ptr to mail server name */
    0,     /* Flags */
    1,      /* Number of name spaces */
    USERNAMESSPACE,  /* Name of name space (view name) */
    NumNames,    /* # of names */
    Names,    /* Ptr to the names themselves */
    NumItems,    /* # of items desired */
    MAIL_LOOKUPITEMS, /* Ptr to the item names */
    &hLookup);   /*  Handle of returned buffer */
 if (error)
  goto Abort;

 pLookup = OSLockObject(hLookup);

 /* For each name requested, traverse the results for each name */

 for (pName = NULL, i = 0; i < (NumViews*NumNames); i++)
  /* Locate the set of matches for the next name searched for */

  pName = NAMELocateNextName(pLookup, pName, &NumMatches);

  /* Traverse all matches for this name */

  for (pMatch = NULL, j = 0; j < NumMatches; j++)
   pMatch = NAMELocateNextMatch(pLookup, pName, pMatch);

   /* Here, handle a simple (non-list) item for this match */

   pDomain = NAMELocateItem(pMatch, ITEM_DOMAIN, &DataType, &Size);
   if (pDomain == NULL)  /* if item not present in this match */
    continue;    /* go on to next match */

   /* Here, handle a text list or text item (this handles
    both kinds) and traverse all members */

   for (k = 0; ; k++)
    if (NAMEGetTextItem(pMatch, ITEM_MEMBERS, k, 
          Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)) != NOERROR)
See Also : NAMEGetTextItem NAMELocateItem NAMELocateMatchAndItem NAMELocateNextMatch NAMELocateNextName NAMELookup2 NAME_LOOKUP_xxx