Function : Replica Info
NSFDbClearReplHistory - Clear database replication history
#include <nsfdb.h>
DWORD dwFlags);
This function clears out the replication history information of the specified database replica. This can also be done using the Notes user interface via the File/Replication/History menu item selection.
Parameters : Input : hDb - Handle to the database, already opened.
dwFlags - Must be zero.
Output : (routine) - Return status from this call:
NOERROR - Successfully cleared replication history information.
ERR_xxx - Other errors returned by this function and includes errors returned by lower level functions. Call OSLoadString to obtain a string to display to the user.
Sample Usage :
DBHANDLE db_handle; /* handle of source database */
STATUS error = NOERROR; /* return status from API calls */
char szErrorString[256];
/* Open the database */
/* Clear replication history */
error = NSFDbClearReplHistory(db_handle, 0);
if (error)
OSLoadString(0, ERR(error), szErrorString, 255);
printf ("Error from NSFDbClearReplHistory: %s\n\n", szErrorString);
NSFDbClose (db_handle);
printf ("Replication history cleared\n");
/* Close the database */