Function : OLE
NSFNoteAttachOLE2Object - Attach an OLE structured storage object to the specified Note, creating the OLE $FILE objects using the specified storage file.
#include <nsfole.h>
char *pszFileName,
char *pszObjectName,
BOOL fCreateInfoItem,
char *pszObjDescription,
char *pszFieldName,
OLE_GUID *pOleObjClassID,
WORD wDisplayFormat,
BOOL fScripted,
BOOL fOleControl,
DWORD dwFlags);
Attach an OLE structured storage object to the specified Note, creating the OLE $FILE objects using the specified storage file. Also, optionally create an $OLEOBJINFO note item using the specified parameters.
Parameters : Input : hNote - NSF Note Handle to open note
pszFileName - Input file name containing the OLE structured storage file
pszObjectName - The name of the NSF $FILE extendable file object to create. This MUST match the one created in the CDOLEBEGIN record in the body of the document.
fCreateInfoItem - TRUE to create a $OLEOBJINFO item. The remaining parameters are propogated to the OLEOBJINFO item.
pszObjDescription - Object user description, i.e. "My Worksheet"
pszFieldName - Field name in which the OLE object resides within the document.
pOleObjClassID - The OLE object's GUID
wDisplayFormat - Visual rendering format, like bitmap, metafile, DDEFORMAT_xxx from editods.h
fScripted - True if object is scripted (for ActiveX). If this is true, it's up to the caller to attach the associated Lotus script source and object code to this note, using the following naming convention
fOleControl - True if this object is registered an OLE ActiveX
Output : (routine) - Return indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - Operation was successful.
ERR_NSF_NOT_SUPPORTED - This function is not supported on this platform. In Release 5.0 through 5.0.7 of Domino and Notes, this function was supported on Windows 32-bit platforms only. As of Release 5.0.8, this function is supported on all Domino and Notes platforms.
ERR_xxx - STATUS returned from a lower level Notes function call. Use OSLoadString and display/log the error.
See Also : NSFNoteDeleteOLE2Object NSFNoteExtractOLE2Object OLE_xxxISTORAGE_SUPPORTED