Function : OLE
NSFNoteExtractOLE2Object - Create a copy of an OLE2 object structured storage file, serialized to an On-disk file.
#include <nsfole.h>
char *pszObjectName,
char *pszFileName,
ENCRYPTION_KEY *pEncryptionKey,
BOOL fOverwrite,
DWORD dwFlags);
This is the OLE2 structured storage file that Domino uses to contain a single OLE object. The resulting structured storage file contains the "normal" OLE streams and a single child sub-storage for the OLE object. The child storage is named by it's OLE ProgID which is what Domino uses to locate the storage when loading the object.
Parameters : Input : hNote - Note handle of open note.
pszObjectName - Name of the OLE $FILE object which is the "master" extendable file object ("ext***") in the set of $FILE objects that comprise this OLE object.
pszFileName - The file name, including path, into which the Storage file will be dumped.
pEncryptionKey - The Note's bulk data encryption key, acquired from NSFNoteDecrypt.
fOverwrite - TRUE to overwrite the file, if it already exists.
dwFlags - Additional flags, unused at this time, must be 0.
Output : (routine) - Return indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - Operation was successful.
ERR_NSF_NOT_SUPPORTED - This function is not supported on this platform. In Release 5.0 through 5.0.7 of Domino and Notes, this function was supported on Windows 32-bit platforms only. As of Release 5.0.8, this function is supported on all Domino and Notes platforms.
ERR_xxx - STATUS returned from a lower level Notes function call. Use OSLoadString and display/log the error.
See Also : NSFNoteAttachOLE2Object NSFNoteDeleteOLE2Object