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Function : Statistics Reporting
StatQueryTime - Returns the specified statistic in a formatted statistics buffer.

#include <stats.h>

    char far *Facility,
    char far *StatName,
    char far *HeaderString,
    char far *NamePrefix,
    char far *ValuePrefix,
    char far *LineSuffix,
    DHANDLE far *rethStats,
    DWORD far *retStatsLength);
Description :

This function traverses the specified statistic or can traverse all statistics and returns the statistics information in a formatted statistics buffer. The information includes the time each statistic was last updated. This function is similar to StatQuery. StatQuery traverses all statistics (you cannot specify a specific statistic) and does not include the time each statistic was last updated.

Parameters : Input : Facility - Optional. Name of facility. Usee NULL for all facilities. See Symbolic Value, STATPKG_xxx for a list of facilities monitored by Domino.

StatName - Optional. Name of statistic. Use NULL for all statistics.

HeaderString - Optional. Pointer to a NULL terminated string to be inserted at the start of the returned buffer. Use NULL if no string is desired.

NamePrefix - Pointer to a NULL terminated string of characters to precede the statistic name.

ValuePrefix - Pointer to a NULL terminated string of characters to precede the statistics value.

LineSuffix - Pointer to a NULL terminated string of characters that will terminate the statistics value (ie: "\n").

Output : (routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success (NOERROR) or what the error is. An error will stop the traversal.

rethStats - Handle to the returned formatted statistics buffer. Use OSLock to obtain a pointer to this buffer and OSMemFree to release the storage. The buffer will be NULL terminated.

retStatsLength - Length of data in the returned formatted statistics buffer.

See Also : StatQuery StatTraverse