Symbolic Value : OLE
OLEREC_FLAG_xxx - OLE object definition flags.
#include <editods.h>
Symbolic Values :
OLEREC_FLAG_OBJECT - The data is an OLE embedded object.
OLEREC_FLAG_LINK - The data is an OLE link.
OLEREC_FLAG_AUTOLINK - If this is a link, it is an Automatic (hot) link.
OLEREC_FLAG_MANUALLINK - If this is a link, it is a Manual (warm) link.
OLEREC_FLAG_NEWOBJECT - This is a new object that was just inserted into the note.
OLEREC_FLAG_PASTED - This is a new object that was just pasted into the note.
OLEREC_FLAG_SAVEOBJECTWHENCHANGED - This object came from a form and should be saved every time it changes in the server.
OELREC_FLAG_NOVISUALIZE - This object was inherited from a form, or object incapable of rendering itself, so don't visualize it.
Description :
These flags are used to define the type of OLE object a note contains. These flags are used by the Flags member of the CDOLEBEGIN data structure.