See: Description
Class | Description |
AdditionalFieldsHelper |
Utility class for APIs to be able to create, read and update a single field
that contains JSON metadata that the client creates and can consume.
AddRemoveToLabel |
Implements OperationId: addRemoveToLabel Add, Remove or Move document/s to label/folder Example incoming:
{ "labelid":
"B3E63E5F418514CF48258581003828B0", "body": { "add": [
"72272B27A1139F114825859E003C6B70" ], "remove": [
"15AA9D4CE38C52074825859E003D3338" ], "move": [
"C55358B43FF627A4482585680064382F" ] }, "headers": { "jwtclaim":
.-6WvBv1_diwteHbChRKkERJQ6iK8F_Q6ALu5Fw6bn5Y", "db": "MAIL", "operationId":
"addRemoveToLabel", "mergeChunks": "false", "sourceForEventBus":
"com.hcl.domino.keep.handlers.pim.DefaultPimHandler", "tags": "mail" },
"replicaid": "482585590040A750", "apiName": "MAIL", "filepath":
"DemoMail.nsf", "title": "DemoMail" } Example result: { "Add Status":
"Successful addition of 1 documents to label
B3E63E5F418514CF48258581003828B0", "addedIds": [ { "status": "OK",
"statusCode": 200, "message": "Add successful", "unid":
"72272B27A1139F114825859E003C6B70" } } ], "Remove Status": "Successful
removal of 1 documents to label B3E63E5F418514CF48258581003828B0",
"removedIds": [ { "status": "OK", "statusCode": 200, "message": "remove
successful", "unid": "15AA9D4CE38C52074825859E003D3338" } ] } |
CreateCalendarEntry |
Creates a calendar entry in a given calendar For sample body content check the Meeting Invite documentation
CreateCalendarResponse |
Implements OperationId: createCalendarResponse Creates TaskResponse for tasks that are assigned to others
CreateCalendars |
Creates a New Calendar that can be shared or private sample input:
"calendarname": "testCalendar", "sharedwith": [""] }
CreateLabel |
Implements OperationId: createLabel Create new label/folder.
CreateMessage |
Implements OperationId: createMessage Saves a mime-formatted message from Base64 encoded html or text
CreateMimeMessage |
Implements OperationId: createMimeMessage Handles creation of messages from MIME
CreateNotebookEntry |
Implements OperationId: createNotebookEntry Creates a notebook entry
CreatePerson |
Implements OperationId: createPerson Creates Person details in Notes contacts.
CreatePersonalMailingList | |
CreatePimAttachment |
PIM/QUATTRO Version of attachment creation
CreatePublicGroup |
Implements CreatePublicGroup creates a shared group Example incoming:
"body":{ "Form":"Group", "ListDescription":"sample group for dev",
"DocumentAccess":"[GroupModifier]", "ListName":"group_sample", "Readers":"",
"Members":"", "Categories":"", "Type":"Group", "GroupTitle":"Sample Group
Title" }, "headers":{ "jwtclaim":"jwt claim", "db":"MAIL",
"operationId":"createPublicGroup" }, "replicaid":"482584C6004E563E",
"apiName":"MAIL", "filepath":"DemoMail.nsf", "title":"Demo Mail (Nuke me)" }
CreatePublicPerson |
Implements operationId: createPublicPerson Adds a person to a master directory Example incoming:
{ "body": { "Form": "Person", "Type": "Person", "Title": "",
"FirstName": "Demo5", "MiddleInitial": "", "LastName": "", "Suffix": "",
"CompanyName": "", "email_1": "", "OfficeCity": "", "OfficePhoneNumber": "",
"PhoneNumber": "", "CellPhoneNumber": "", "primaryPhoneNumber": "",
"FullNameInput": "Demo 5", "AltFullName": "", "AltFullNameLanguage": "",
"InternetAddress": "", "FullName": "Demo ", "MailAddress": "", "ELabel2":
"Personal", "ELabel3": "Assistant", "ELabel4": "Business2", "Elabel5":
"Personal2" }, "headers": { "jwtclaim": "a claim", "db": "MAIL",
"operationId": "createPublicPerson" }, "replicaid": "4825858200514BB3",
"apiName": "MAIL", "filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "Demo Mail" } Example result: { "@unid": "77AA73BED0F99259482585930048CDD5", "@etag":
"W/\"172f0c48e84\"", "Form": "Person", "Type": "Person", "Title": "",
"FirstName": "Demo5", "MiddleInitial": "", "LastName": "", "Suffix": "",
"CompanyName": "", "email_1": "", "OfficeCity": "", "OfficePhoneNumber": "",
"PhoneNumber": "", "CellPhoneNumber": "", "primaryPhoneNumber": "",
"FullNameInput": "Demo 5", "AltFullName": "", "AltFullNameLanguage": "",
"InternetAddress": "", "FullName": "Demo ", "MailAddress": "", "ELabel2":
"Personal", "ELabel3": "Assistant", "ELabel4": "Business2", "Elabel5":
"Personal2", "$UpdatedBy": [ "CN=John Doe/O=Mauraders" ] } |
CreateReplaceDelegation |
CreateRule | |
CreateRules | |
CreateTask |
Implements OperationId: createTask Create Task details - Notes “To Do” view.
CreateTaskResponse |
Implements OperationId: createTask Creates TaskResponse for tasks that are assigned to others
CreateTemplate |
Create Template creates a single Stationery Template
DeleteCalendarEntry |
Removes a calendar entry and its replies
DeleteDelegation |
Implements OperationId deleteDelegation Delete a delegate entry in default and other mail db Result Example: ``` { “status”: “OK”, “statusCode”: 200, “message”: “Deletion complete” }
DeleteLabel |
Implements OperationId: deleteLabel Delete Folder and Documents inside.
DeleteMailAttachment |
Implements OperationId: deleteMailAttachment Delete a single attachment from a mail message from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegate user
DeleteMimeMessage | |
DeleteNotebookEntry |
Deletes a notebook entrys
DeleteOneCalendar |
Deletes whole calendar.
DeletePerson |
Implements OperationId: deletePerson Deletes Person details in Notes contacts.
DeletePersonalMailingList | |
DeletePublicPerson |
Implements operationId: deletePublicPerson Removes a person from a shared directory Example incoming
{ "personid": "77AA73BED0F99259482585930048CDD5",
"headers": { "jwtclaim": "a claim", "db": "MAIL", "operationId":
"deletePublicPerson" }, "replicaid": "4825858200514BB3", "apiName": "MAIL",
"filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "Demo Mail" } Example result: {
"status": "OK", "statusCode": 200, "message": "deletion complete", "unid":
"B7DCB2A29B35321848258590005F52FA" } |
DeleteRule | |
DeleteRules | |
DeleteSharedGroup |
Implements operationId: deleteSharedGroup Remove one group from shared directory Example incoming:
{ "groupid":"BD0E649130F9419248258591006A14F5", "headers":{
"jwtclaim":"jwt claim", "db":"MAIL", "operationId":"deleteSharedGroup" },
"replicaid":"482584C6004E563E", "apiName":"MAIL", "filepath":"DemoMail.nsf",
"title":"Demo Mail (Nuke me)" } |
DeleteTask |
Implements OperationId: deleteTask Deletes Task details in Notes “To Do” view.
DeleteTaskResponse |
Implements OperationId: deleteTaskResponse Removes a taskResponse document
DeleteTemplate |
Delete Template deletes a single Stationery Template
EmptyTrash | |
GetAddressLookupQuery |
Use a DQL query to find addresses
GetAddressLookupSimple |
GetAddressLookupSimple does a simply query for address book entries.
GetCalendarEntry |
Implements OperationId getCalendarEntry Fetch a single calendar entry of default and other calendar Result Example see OpenAPI spec
GetCalendarResponses | |
GetCalendars |
Retrieve list of calendars
GetCollection |
Fetch a collection (View, folder) specified by incoming data including markers for unread
GetDelegation |
Implements OperationId: getDelegation Fetch delegations including other calendars
GetDrafts |
Implements OperationId: getDrafts List of draft messages Payload Example:
{ "UUID":"2fbce053-834d-4e75-982f-7a029edce1a0", "headers":{
"jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetEntriesInfo | |
GetInbox |
Implements OperationId: getInbox Fetch the Inbox from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user
GetJunkEmail |
Implements OperationId: getJunkEmail Fetch the Junk folder from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user
GetLabelInfo |
Implements OperationId: getLabelInfo Retrieves label information
GetLabels |
Implements OperationId: getLabels Retrieve list folder label, document count, system labels and unread count Example Payload:
"includeSystemLabels":false, "includeUnreadCount":true,
"UUID":"d4c8f5a9-57a2-472e-a74a-f441e6d94791", "headers":{
"db":"MAIL", "operationId":"getLabels", "mergeChunks":"true",
"tags":"mail" }, "replicaid":"482585590040A750", "apiName":"MAIL",
"filepath":"DemoMail.nsf", "title":"DemoMail" } Example Result: [ {
"FolderId": "A4D87D90E1B19842852564FF006DED4E", "View": "($All)",
"DocumentCount": 32, "UnreadCount": 26, "DisplayName": "All Documents" }, {
"FolderId": "38D46BF5E8F08834852564B500129B2C", "View": "($Inbox)",
"DocumentCount": 8, "UnreadCount": 7, "DisplayName": "Inbox" }, { "FolderId":
"0AE756FA362D1B654825859900480D26", "View": "Sample Folder", "DocumentCount":
2, "UnreadCount": 1, "DisplayName": "Sample Folder" } ] |
GetLabelsAll |
Implements OperationId: getLabelsAll Retrieve list of all labels Retrive all labels: Calendar, Contacts, Journal, Mail, Tasks Example Payload:
{ "*":
"/labels/all", "Authorization": "Bearer
._nKXE_Vg4dKwBdlOZqUTKitfmuLW0OQ1fgRHu1zQubk", "User-Agent":
"PostmanRuntime/7.26.8", "Accept": "*\/*", "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
"Postman-Token": "efb74717-525b-43ce-9e7a-c748da7cda64", "Host":
"frascati.projectkeep.local:8880", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"Connection": "keep-alive", "headers": { "jwtclaim":
._nKXE_Vg4dKwBdlOZqUTKitfmuLW0OQ1fgRHu1zQubk", "db": "MAIL", "operationId":
"getLabelsAll", "eventBusId": "mail-getLabelsAll", "mergeChunks": "true",
"sourceForEventBus": "com.hcl.domino.keep.handlers.pim.DefaultPimHandler",
"tags": "mail" }, "UUID": "4230fb54-97fe-4e06-b1b8-f1ff8aaa5fde",
"replicaid": "482585590040A750", "apiName": "MAIL", "filepath":
"DemoMail.nsf", "title": "DemoMail" } Example Result: [ { "FolderId":
"A4D87D90E1B19842852564FF006DED4E", "View": "($All)", "isFolder": "false",
"DocumentCount": 65, "Type": "Mail", "DisplayName": "All Documents" }, {
"FolderId": "C06D4FB77A26FE7A48258600004EECAD", "View":
"(NotesContacts)\\Important contacts", "isFolder": "true", "DocumentCount":
0, "Type": "Contacts", "DisplayName": "Important contacts" }, { "FolderId":
"69466BE5F5385ED748258600004E9B94", "View": "(NotesJournal)\\Important
notes", "isFolder": "true", "DocumentCount": 0, "Type": "Journal",
"DisplayName": "Important notes" } ] |
GetMailAttachment |
Endpoint to stream an attachment from mail
GetMailboxInfo |
Implements OperationId: getMailboxInfo Get individual mailbox information Example Payload:
{ "mailboxid": "MAIL", "headers": { "jwtclaim":
F1ZCI6IkRvbWlubyJ9.RMWCzdjtxYKe8_WP7pBs6HepDrns4dlLVE4FtjabNc0", "db":
"MAIL", "operationId": "getMailboxInfo" }, "replicaid": "482585590040A750",
"apiName": "MAIL", "filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "DemoMail" } Example Result: { "Title": "DemoMail's mailbox", "count ": 52,
"filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "replicaid": "482585590040A750", "unread": 40,
"viewInfo": [ { "FolderId": "738CB93AE2E1B7F8852564B5001283E2", "View":
"($Calendar)", "isFolder": "false", "Alias": [ "Calendar" ], "DocumentCount":
8, "DisplayName": "Calendar", "Calendars": [ { "CalendarId": "testCalendar",
"DocumentCount": 2 }, { "CalendarId": "TeamCalendar", "DocumentCount": 0 } ]
}, { "FolderId": "21D822802DA4AA14852567D6005BD9EB", "View": "($Contacts)",
"isFolder": "false", "Alias": [ "People" ], "DocumentCount": 5,
"DisplayName": "($Contacts)", "Folders": [ { "FolderId":
"22E94B49E5DEF292482585F1004CF16B", "View": "Sample contacts",
"DocumentCount": 0, "DisplayName": "Sample contacts" }, { "FolderId":
"50E72E4792BD8E5E482585F1004885FD", "View": "Sports Contacts",
"DocumentCount": 0, "DisplayName": "Sports Contacts" }, { "FolderId":
"05F6906CC63FA569482585F10048922C", "View": "Sports Contacts\\NBA Contacts",
"DocumentCount": 1, "ParentId": "50E72E4792BD8E5E482585F1004885FD",
"DisplayName": "NBA Contacts" }, { "FolderId":
"24DC84175763C3D2482585F1004D2F85", "View": "new contacts", "DocumentCount":
1, "DisplayName": "new contacts" } ] }, { "FolderId":
"739290EBC9A3D527852569690058A018", "View": "($Journal)", "isFolder":
"false", "Alias": [ "Notebook" ], "DocumentCount": 0, "DisplayName":
"Journal", "Folders": [ { "FolderId": "5AA1B3E0DED4DA28482585F8005542A0",
"View": "Important Notes", "DocumentCount": 0, "DisplayName": "Important
Notes" } ] }, { "FolderId": "C82CD0A7E61B2866852564B5001283EB", "View":
"($ToDo)", "isFolder": "false", "Alias": [ "Tasks" ], "DocumentCount": 5,
"DisplayName": "Tasks", "Folders": [ { "FolderId":
"B8E7F20C54D077BF482585F30048ACAF", "View": "Imp Tasks", "DocumentCount": 0,
"DisplayName": "Imp Tasks" }, { "FolderId":
"70130A7552158D76482585F30048DD59", "View": "new Tasks", "DocumentCount": 1,
"DisplayName": "new Tasks" } ] } ], "delegation": [ { "name": "-Default-",
"level": "NOACCESS", "roles": [], "flags": [ "AUTHOR_NOCREATE", "NODELETE",
"NOREPLICATE" ], "type": "" }, { "name": "OtherDomainServers", "level":
"NOACCESS", "roles": [], "flags": [ "AUTHOR_NOCREATE", "NODELETE",
"NOREPLICATE" ], "type": "GROUP" }, { "name": "CN=Manuel Lorenzo
Lerma/OU=Philippines/O=PNPHCL", "level": "MANAGER", "roles": [], "flags": [
"PUBLICREADER", "PUBLICWRITER" ], "type": "PERSON" }, { "name": "Anonymous",
"level": "NOACCESS", "roles": [], "flags": [ "AUTHOR_NOCREATE", "NODELETE",
"NOREPLICATE" ], "type": "" }, { "name": "LocalDomainServers", "level":
"MANAGER", "roles": [], "type": "GROUP", "flags": [ "CREATE_PRAGENT",
"PUBLICWRITER" ] }, { "name": "CN=John Doe/O=Mauraders", "level": "MANAGER",
} |
GetMailThread |
Class for retrieving message list
GetMessage |
Fetches a Notes Note from the given mailbox.
GetMessageBody |
Implements OperationId getMessageBody Fetch a single Mail message as HTML/TEXT
GetMessageHeaders |
Implements OperationId getMessageHeaders Fetch message header of a single mail entry For MIME messages we only fetch all RFC822 type fields For NOT MIME messages we only fetch the listed header fields
GetMessageList |
Implements OperationId: getMessageList Class for retrieving message list Payload Example:
{ "UUID":"329ad029-86fb-4050-8548-e2954074a365",
"headers":{ "jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetMessagesWithLabel |
Implements OperationId: getMessagesWithLabel Fetch the list of messages from a Folder from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user Payload Example:
{ "labelid":"($Sent)",
"UUID":"8bb3b3ea-7b49-4b5b-b08e-d24a61b7a31d", "body":{ "move":[
"32BD85EB27053079482585C8003F4E4B" ] }, "headers":{
"jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetMimeMessage |
Fetch a single Mail message as RAW MIME
GetNotebookEntries |
Implements OperationId: getNotebookEntries Fetches the entries selected by the ($Journal) view of the user’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegate access Payload Example:
{ "UUID":"fe325620-e9a4-47ff-b8e9-9ae90319e7cd",
"headers":{ "jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetNotebookEntry |
Implements OperationId: getNotebookEntry Fetches the entry that matches the supplied unid from the user’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegate access
GetOneCalendar |
Retrieve one calendar with its entries
GetOOO |
Retrieves Out of Office (OOO) information from the OOO profile.
GetPeople |
GetPeople returns a list of Contacts from the the address book.
GetPerson |
Implements OperationId: getPerson Retrieves person details from notes
GetPersonalMailingList | |
GetPersonalMailingLists | |
GetPimItem |
Fetches a Notes Note from the given mailbpx regardless of content type.
GetPublicGroup |
Implements CreatePublicGroup Fetch one specific group in a shared directory
GetPublicGroups |
Implements GetPublicGroups Retrieves list of groups in a shared directory Example incoming:
{ "headers":{ "jwtclaim":"jwt claim", "db":"MAIL",
"operationId":"getPublicGroups" }, "replicaid":"482584C6004E563E",
"apiName":"MAIL", "filepath":"DemoMail.nsf", "title":"Demo Mail (Nuke me)" }
GetPublicPeople |
Implements GetPublicPeople Retrieves list of people in a shared directory Example incoming
{ "headers": { "jwtclaim": "a claim", "db": "MAIL",
"operationId": "getPublicPeople" }, "replicaid": "4825858200514BB3",
"apiName": "MAIL", "filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "Demo Mail" } Example result (one entry in array) { "@unid":
"AB1D2BBAA300928D482585920051153F", "@noteid": 2794, "@index": "3.2", "$3":
"P", "FullName": "[Peter Pan, sample]" } |
GetPublicPerson |
Implements operationId: getPublicPerson Retrieves one specific person in a shared directory Example incoming:
{ "personid":
"DC9EF1BDAACCED7A4825859200510EDF", "headers": { "jwtclaim": "a claim", "db":
"MAIL", "operationId": "getPublicPerson" }, "replicaid": "4825858200514BB3",
"apiName": "MAIL", "filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "Demo Mail" } Example result: { "@unid": "B7DCB2A29B35321848258590005F52FA", "@etag":
"W/\"172e232adce\"", "Form": "Person", "Type": "Person", "Title": "Dr.",
"FirstName": "Demo", "MiddleInitial": "", "LastName": "", "Suffix": "",
"CompanyName": "", "email_1": "", "OfficeCity": "", "OfficePhoneNumber": "",
"PhoneNumber": "", "CellPhoneNumber": "", "primaryPhoneNumber": "",
"FullNameInput": "Dr. |
GetPublicResources |
Implements GetPublicResources Information about shared resources
GetRule | |
GetRules | |
GetSentList |
Implements OperationId: getSentList Fetch the Sent folder from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user Payload Example:
"UUID":"5f5d434a-5a9e-44fc-8394-b13233382ef3", }, "headers":{
"jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetSettings |
Implements GetSettings Retrieves settings/preferences in KeepProfile Example incoming:
{ "headers":{ "jwtclaim":"jwt claim", "db":"MAIL",
"operationId":"getSettings" }, "replicaid":"482584C6004E563E",
"apiName":"MAIL", "filepath":"DemoMail.nsf", "title":"Demo Mail (Nuke me)" }m
GetTask |
Implements OperationId: getTask Retrieves Task details from Notes “To Do”
GetTaskList |
Implements OperationId: getTaskList GetTaskList returns a list of ToDo items Payload Example:
{ "UUID":"7eaaf206-bc23-432f-8704-fd76c54adf2e",
"headers":{ "jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
GetTaskResponse |
Implements OperationId: getTaskResponse Returns the details of a specific TaskResponse document
GetTaskResponses |
Implements OperationId: getTaskTesponses Retrieves task responses.
GetTemplate |
GetTemplate returns a single Stationery Template
GetTemplates |
GetTemplates returns a list of Stationery Templates.
GetTrash |
Implements OperationId: getTrash Fetch the Trash folder from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user Payload Example:
"UUID":"32da332a-0d53-49a1-bd6b-95e72c8c8bec", "headers":{
"jwtclaim":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9. |
HardDeleteDocument |
Hard delete one document
LabelHelper |
Utility class to translate ACL Entries to delegation status back and forth
LookupUserInfo |
Implements OperationId: LookupUserInfo Convert a list of Notes Hierarchical Names or DNs to email addresses Also Convert a list of email addresses to DNs
ModifyCalendarEntry |
Updates parts of a calendar entry e.g.
MoveLabel |
Implements OperationId: moveLabel Moves folder/s to another folder Example Payload:
{ "labelid": "2C00F06A3B7BBAEF482585CA004740AF", "UUID":
"6beadb6d-24b0-4ba6-a6dd-f689e3eff7ae", "headers": { "jwtclaim":
"db": "MAIL", "operationId": "moveLabel", "mergeChunks": "false",
"sourceForEventBus": "com.hcl.domino.keep.handlers.pim.DefaultPimHandler",
"tags": "label,folder,view,mail" }, "replicaid": "482585590040A750",
"apiName": "MAIL", "filepath": "DemoMail.nsf", "title": "DemoMail" } Example Result: { "Move Status": "Successful move of 1 folders to label
0AE756FA362D1B654825859900480D26", "movedFolderIds": [ { "status": "OK",
"statusCode": 200, "message": "move folder successful", "unid":
"B7F20780A4F15C32482585C8003FAAB2" } ] } |
OOOData | |
PatchTask |
Implements OperationId: patchTask Updates fields of task details Example
PostSettings |
Implements PostSettings Create Mailbox settings Example incoming
"body":{ "AltLanguageInfoAllowed":"1" }, "headers":{ "jwtclaim":"a claim",
"db":"MAIL", "operationId":"postSettings" } } Example result {
"status": "OK", "statusCode": 200, "message": "creation complete", "body": {
"@unid": "259274F8A92427E7482585A400669740", "@noteid": "946", "@created":
"2020-07-14T02:40:33.920+08:00", "@lastmodified":
"2020-07-14T02:40:33.930+08:00", "@lastaccessed":
"2020-07-14T02:40:33.920+08:00", "@etag": "W/\"173497a888a\"",
"$ConflictAction": "2", "$Name": "$profile_011keepprofile_", "$NoPurge": " ",
"$UpdatedBy": [ "CN=John Doe/O=Mauraders" ], "Form": "KeepProfile",
"AltLanguageInfoAllowed":"1" } } |
PostTask |
Implements OperationId: postTask PostTask updates an existing ToDo list item.
PutPerson |
Implements OperationId: putPerson PutPerson updates an existing Contact list item.
PutTrash | |
QueryBusyTime |
Retrieves BUSY periods for all users in the list Need to be valid users of the system
QueryFreetime |
QueryFreetime facilitates meeting scheduling by returning an array of time slots where all participants are available.
QueryOOO |
RestoreFromTrash |
Restore soft deleted documents
RulesHelper |
Utility class to translate ACL Entries to delegation status back and forth
SearchPIM |
Implements OperationId: SearchPIM Search the mFull Text Index (type FT) or a DQL Query (type DQL)
UpdateCalendarEntry |
Create/Update a calendar entry in the given database method
UpdateDelegation | |
UpdateDelegation.AccessPattern |
Value class to feed access to ACL
UpdateLabel |
Implements OperationId: updateLabel Rename label / folder.
UpdateMessage |
//TODO: Add description
UpdateMessageProperties |
UpdateMessageProperties iterates over lists of messages and sets / unsets three properties flags: follow up, soft delete, and unread.
UpdateMimeMessage |
Implements OperationId: createMimeMessage Handles creation of messages from MIME
UpdateNotebookEntry |
Implements OperationId: updateNotebookEntry Fetch the Inbox from a User’s mailfile or the mailfile of a delegated user
UpdateOOO | |
UpdatePersonalMailingList | |
UpdatePimItem |
Updates any type of PIM item TODO: Do we want to support this or should PIM item updates be on their own urls?
UpdatePublicGroup |
Implements UpdatePublicGroup Updates an existing group item from shared directory.
UpdatePublicPerson |
Implements operationId: updatePublicPerson Update one person from an address book Example incoming:
{ "personid": "8B41E8EA6B2BCA4348258594002C32D2", "body": {
"PhoneNumber": "12345", "ShortName": "Pete", ... |
UpdateRule | |
UpdateRules | |
UpdateTaskResponse |
Implements OperationId: updatetaskresponse Updates fields of task details
UpdateTemplate |
UpdateTemplate updates an existing Stationery Template.
Enum | Description |
LabelHelper.LabelInclusion |
flag to get all or mail labels
Back-end classed containing PIM interactions on HCL Domino Mail databases - eMail - Calendar - Contacts - Tasks - Journal (a.k.a Notes)