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Troubleshooting and support

Troubleshooting and support information for HCL Leap.

If you are experiencing a problem with the Leap:

  1. Refer to the documentation for the task you are performing or the product component you are working with. These topics may contain troubleshooting information for common problems.

  2. Refer to the Directory of worldwide contacts Web page and contact HCL Software Support for your region.

  3. Increase the log level to help identify the root cause.

For troubleshooting issues with HCL support, the following log level trace strings may be defined in WebSphere or a Kubernetes deployment:*=FINE*=finest*=finest*level*=FINEST*level*=FINEST
In a Kubernetes deployment, see Changing the log level for further details.

In a WebSphere deployment, see Configuring Java logging with the administrative console for further details.

Setting a log level to FINE, FINER or FINEST may result in very verbose logging. On a busy server, this could mean hundreds of log messages per minute and it could have a significant impact on Leap performance. After you have gathered logs to troubleshoot a specific problem, we recommend you reduce the logging level to INFO or completely remove them.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting