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Volt MX Foundry Deployment Guide

Deployment Guide

This document provides an overview of the deployment of Volt MX Foundry on-premises, and describes the performance and capacity characteristics of typical deployment scenarios. This document describes how you can set up Volt MX Foundry and your applications in a range of configurations that have component servers on single or multiple physical and virtual hosts.

Revision History

Date Document Version Description of Modifications/Release
12/16/2019 1.0 Document Published for V9 Preview. The guide has been updated for:
Security Hardening Features:
Secure your Cookies (Secure and HttpOnly flags)
Configuring OWASP secure headers for SPA/Desktop apps
Disable Caching for Sensitive Middleware Services

Getting Started Options

  • Release Notes: Provides release details and information on the new features, known issues, and limitations.
  • Tutorials and Videos: Step-by-step instructions to set up a trial Volt MX Foundry account; how to configure Volt MX mobile services such as identity, integration, engagement, and sync services; how to add backend services to your application; and how to invoke backend services by using Volt MX Foundry SDKs.
  • QuickStart Guides: Helps you create a basic set of back-end services for authenticating a user and then access a simple integration and orchestration service.
  • Installer Guide Windows: Applicable to on-premises. Explains how to Console, Identity, Integration Services, Engagement Services, and Sync Services on Windows using an installer program.
  • Installer Guide Linux: Applicable to on-premises. Explains how to install Console, Identity, Integration Services, Engagement Services, and Sync Services on Linux using an installer program.
  • Manual Install Guide: Applicable to on-premises. Explains how to install Console, Identity, Integration Services, Engagement Services, and Sync Services manually for secured environments and Tomcat multi-node installation.