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The Charms API contains the following functions, which are part of the voltmx.application Namespace.


This API enables you to create a Charm settings menu for an application.


voltmx.applicationcreateSettingsMenu ([id](#id), [menuSettings](#menuSettings));

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
id [String] - Mandatory Identifier of the Charm setting menu created.
menuSettings [Hash table] - Mandatory The menuSettings hash table comprises the following key-value pairs:id: ID of the Charm menu item.text: Name of the menu item.


//To create a Charm settings menu, enter the following  
var settingsMenuItem1 = {
    id: "about",
    text: "About"
var settingsMenuItem2 = {
    id: "help",
    text: "Help"
var settingsMenu = [settingsMenuItem1, settingsMenuItem2];
voltmx.application.createSettingsMenu("mysettingsmenu", settingsMenu);

Return Values


Special Considerations

If a Charm setting menu is already created with the identifier passed, a new Charm setting menu will be created and the old Charm setting menu will be replaced with the new one. The same holds true for menu items as well.

At least one menu item must be present in the Charm settings menu created. A Charm settings menu with no menu items is invalid.

Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.


This method uses the unique identifier which represents the Charm settings menu and sets it as current settings menu. There can be only one current settings menu that can be set any time. Calling this method multiple times, replaces the current Charm settings menu.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
id [String] - Mandatory Identifier of the Charm setting menu to be set.


//To create a Charm settings menu, enter the following  

Return Values


Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.


This method returns the unique identifier of the current menu that is set through getCurrentSettingsMenu.



Input Parameters None


//To get the unique identifier a Charm settings menu, enter the following  

//Alert the Current Charm Settings menu
alert("Current charm menu id is: " + currCharmMenuId);

Return Values

Return value Description
Unique Identifier Identifier of the Charm setting menu to be set.

Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.


This API enables you to add a menu item at a given index in the Charm settings menu.


voltmx.application.addSettingsMenuItemAt ([id](#id3), [index](#index), [menuSettings](#menuSettings2));

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
id [String] - Mandatory. Identifier of the Charm setting menu created.
index [Number] - Mandatory. The index at which the menu item must be added. The index value lies between 0 and n-1. If the index is beyond the current length of the Charm menu items then the item is added to the end.
menuSettings [Hash table] - Mandatory The menuSettings hash table comprises the following key-value pairs: id: ID of the Charm menu item. text: Name of the menu item. onClick: onclick event to be executed for the menu item.


To add a menu item at a given index, enter the following:

//The below function is the callback function for onClickClosure event of app menu item with id "appmenuitemid3".
function onClickClosure3() {
    //proceed with the logic

var settingsMenuItem1 = {
    id: "about",
    text: "About",
    onClick: onClickClosure3

//Adding the above app menu item at the index 3.
voltmx.application.addSettingsMenuItemAt("accountMenu", 3, settingsMenuItem1);

Return Values


Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.


This API enables you to removes the specified App Menu item based on the index.


voltmx.application.removeSettingsMenuItemAt ([id](#id4), [index](#index2));

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
id [String] - Mandatory Identifier of the Charm setting menu created.
index [Number] - Mandatory The index from which the menu item must be removed. The index value lies between 0 and n-1.


To remove a menu item from a given index, enter the following:

//Removing a menu item from the index 3.
voltmx.application.removeSettingsMenuItemAt("charmmenu", 3);

Return Values


Platform Availability

Available on Windows only.