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voltmx.os Namespace Constants

These constants specify the current state of the device battery.

Constant Description
BATTERY_STATE_CHARGING Indicates that the state of the device battery as being charged.
BATTERY_STATE_DISCHARGING Indicates that the state of the device battery as being discharged.
BATTERY_STATE_FULL Indicates that the state of the device battery charge is completely full.
BATTERY_STATE_UNKNOWN Indicates that the state of the device battery charge as not known.


When you query for the state of the device battery as shown in this example, any of the four available battery states is returned.

var batteryState = voltmx.os.getBatteryState();

if (voltmx.os.BATTERY_STATE_CHARGING == batteryState) {

    voltmx.print(“Battery State: Charging”);

Platform Availability

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows