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HCL Volt MX Iris 9.2 Release Notes


  • Support for iOS 15 plugins has been added to Volt MX Iris. All compilation issues have been resolved to support iOS 15.

Known issues

  • Volt MX 9.2 does not support the building of Windows native applications.
  • voltmx.location.getCurrentPosition fails in Desktop Web Applications. When you test your application with Live Preview, the system permission dialog appears as expected. However, for published SPA and Desktop Web applications, the dialog box appears only when the application URL uses the https protocol. If the URL uses http, the dialog box does not appear, and location APIs will not work. For more information, see voltmx.location Namespace.
  • Android Native application builds can fail on MacOS because of permission issues with older versions of the Android SDK. To avoid this problem, run "sudo spctl --master-disable". You can also go to Security & Privacy and add your terminal app or IDE to the list of apps in the Developer Tools section of the Privacy tab. On the General tab, under "Allow apps downloaded from", click "Anywhere". For more information, see Build an Android Application.
  • The Photoshop plugin for Iris is not included in this release.
  • IQ functionality is not surfaced to the end user from Iris.
  • If you choose Build Native Local for an iOS app and choose the Run on my device post build action, the app does not launch as expected. If you choose the Generate Native App post build action, the option to run the built app in the console also fails. To work around this issue, after the .ipa file is generated, install it on the device manually. You can also use XCode to generate the .ipa from the .kar file and install it on the device.
  • VoltMX automation is not working in XCode 13; use XCode 12.5.1 instead. This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release.
  • Enabling ARC is not supported. This issue will be fixed in a subsequent release


  • voltmx.os.deviceInfo().SERIAL_NO, voltmx.os.deviceInfo().ANDROID_ID, and voltmx.os.deviceInfo().uid are deprecated and return null, and kony.os.getDeviceId(int slot) values have changed. For more information, see DeviceInfo Object and voltmx.os Namespace .
  • We have clarified the documentation of the Browser widget "limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains" property. For more information, see Browser Properties .
  • Do not use voltmx.os.deviceInfo().deviceID or Due to privacy issues, the MAC address is not used to identify the device. Instead of using the MAC address, use For more information, see DeviceInfo Object
  • By default, all Volt MX frameworks are built with Application Reference Counting (ARC). However, in final application projects, ARC is disabled, to ensure that existing non-ARC FFI’s work without breaking. If your application does not use FFI’s, or if all the used FFI’s are ARC-compatible, enable ARC in the final Application by editing <WorkspaceName>\<ProjectName>\resources\common\infoplist_configuration.json. For more information, see Build an iOS Application.
  • Iris SDK log files generated by the Volt MX Logger are now named VoltmxLogger_.log
  • If you do not want to use the SHA1, MD2, MD4, and MD5 hashing algorithms in your application, check Strict Mode. If you do use any of those algorithms, leave Strict Mode unchecked. Otherwise, you will receive an "Unsupported algorithm" error message.

Resolved issues brought over from Temenos

  • An issue has been resolved that prevented Iris from being restarted if you quit the Iris via the MacBook command bar > Iris icon -> right click -> Quit. There are no longer subprocesses left running in the background to interfere with an Iris restart.
  • A problem in Iris that caused intermittent hanging on the splash screen has been resolved.
  • Logging in to an application with OAuth 2.0 caused the error, "AADSTS501491: Invalid size of Code_Challange parameter". This problem has been resolved.
  • We have resolved a file corruption problem when downloading a file from S3 backend via the file storage adapter.
  • In an app that contains a Segment widget, when the user invokes the setData or setDataAt method on a segment row, the data does not load properly and causes the segment to flicker. The issue has been resolved.
  • In some cases, voltmx.application.setAppHeaders caused an "undefined function" error. This problem has been resolved.
  • Switch to Secure Object Archiving APIs.

Naming changes

Product names, API namespaces, and other terms have changed.

  • Replace any references to Kony headers in Fabric (now Foundry) services, pre/post-processor, or custom code with Voltmx headers. (Replace "X-Kony-" with "X-Voltmx-".)
  • Recompile apps that use the native function SDK APIs for iOS, Android, and Windows to use the new SDK with updated Voltmx headers.
  • If the app is using pre/post compile tasks and if those are using “kony” namespaced js files, they should be updated with “voltmx” namespaced js files.

Refer to the following table for details.

Product names

New Terms (Volt MX) Old Terms (Temenos)
Volt MX Quantum
Iris Visualizer
Foundry Mobile Fabric
Foundry Fabric
Flare Nitro

API namespaces

This table shows the new Volt MX APIs namespaces versus the old Temenos APIs namespaces, along with examples. The new namespaces are used throughout this documentation; however, if you use a Temenos branded version older than 9.2, you must keep using the old Temenos namespaces.

New Namespace (Volt MX) Old Namespace (Temenos)
voltmx kony
com.hcl.voltmx com.konylabs
com.hcl.voltmx com.kony
com.voltmx \* com.kony
VMXMetricsService KNYMetricsService
VMXFoundry KNYMobileFabric
voltmx.sdk.VMXObjSvc kony.sdk.KNYObjSvc
voltmx.sdk.VMXObj kony.sdk.KNYObj
VoltMXApp KonyApp
VoltMXUtil KonyUtil
voltmx.ui.Alert kony.ui.Alert
voltmx.os.deviceInfo kony.os.deviceInfo
com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.api com.konylabs.middleware.api
com.hcl.voltmx.middleware.dataobject com.konylabs.middleware.dataobject
VMXFoundry.OfflineObjects.drop KNYMobileFabric.OfflineObjects.drop

* Beacon API. Requires rebuilding/conversion to NFI


This table shows new Volt MX terms versus old Temenos terms.

New Terms (Volt MX) Old Terms (Temenos)
iris viz
Iris Viz