The <objectService>.cancelSync function cancels an in progress object service sync operation. The operation fails if the task syncing is already finished, throws an error, or does not support the Cancel operation.
Volt MX Iris (JavaScript)
- Not supported for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels.
- Supported for Windows from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 12 onwards.
VMXObjSvc.cancelSync(Options, onSuccess, onFailure)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
Options | JSON | Reserved for future use, so the parameter is insignificant. But, the developer must pass some value such as null or { }. | Yes |
onSuccess | Function | The JavaScript function to be executed when cancellation is successful. | Yes |
onFailure | Function | The JavaScript function to be executed when cancellation fails. | Yes |
Return Type
var syncObjectSvc = new voltmx.sdk.VMXObjSvc("Organization");
// define Sync options
var syncOptions = {};
syncOptions.downloadBatchSize = 100;
syncOptions.uploadBatchSize = 200;
syncOptions.getSyncStats = true;
// Start Sync asynchronously
function(res) {
alert("ObjectService sync successful");
function(err) {
alert("ObjectService sync failed with error: " + JSON.stringify(err));
function(progressCallback) {
alert("ObjectService sync progress event received");
// Now attempt to Cancel Sync// passing an empty map for options parameter
function(res) {
alert("ObjectService sync cancellation successful");
function(err) {
alert("ObjectService sync failed with error : " + JSON.stringify(err));
Android (Java)
public void cancelSync(HashMap<String, Object> options, final VMXCallback syncCancellationCallback)
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
options | HashMap |
Reserved for future use, so the parameter is insignificant. But, the developer must pass some value such as null or new HashMap |
Yes |
syncCancellationCallback | VMXCallback | Application implements onSuccess and onFailure methods of VMXCallback interface. | Yes |
Return Type
VMXObjSvc syncObjectSvc = new VMXObjSvc("Organization");
// Define Sync options
HashMap < String, Object > syncOptions = new HashMap < String, Object > ();
syncOptions.put("downloadBatchSize", "100");
syncOptions.put("uploadBatchSize", "200");
// Start Sync asynchronously
new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {
Log.d("ObjectServiceSync", "ObjectService sync successful");
public void onFailure(Object error) {
Log.e("ObjectServiceSync", "ObjectService sync failed with error: " + error);
new VMXProgressCallback() {
public void onProgress(Object object) {
Log.d("ObjectServiceSync", "ObjectService sync progress event received");
// Now attempt to Cancel Sync
// passing an empty HashMap for options parameter
syncObjectSvc.cancelSync(new HashMap < String, Object > (),
new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {
Log.d("ObjectServiceSync Cancellation", "ObjectService sync cancellation successful");
public void onFailure(Object error) {
Log.e("ObjectServiceSync Cancellation", "ObjectService sync cancellation failed with error: " + error);
iOS (Objective C)
(void)cancelSync:(NSDictionary \*)options
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
onSuccess | VMXSuccessCompletionHandler | The method called after a successful cancellation. | Yes |
onFailure | VMXFailureCompletionHandler | The method called after the cancellation fails. | Yes |
Return Type
NSError _ error;
VMXObjSvc _ syncObjectSvc = [
[VMXObjSvc alloc] initWithName: @"Organization"
error: & error
// Define Sync options
NSMutableDictionary \* syncOptions = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[syncOptions setObject: @"100"
forKey: @"downloadBatchSize"
[syncOptions setObject: @"200"
forKey: @"uploadBatchSize"
[syncOptions setObject: @"true"
forKey: @"getSyncStats"
// Start Sync asynchronously
[syncObjectSvc startSync: syncOptions
onSuccess: ^ (id object) {
NSLog(@"ObjectService sync successful");
onFailure: ^ (NSError \* error) {
NSLog(@"ObjectService sync failed with error :%@", [error description]);
onProgress: ^ (id object) {
NSLog(@"ObjectService sync progress event received");
// Now attempt to Cancel Sync// passing an empty dictionary for options parameter
NSMutableDictionary _ cancelSyncOptions = [NSMutableDictionary new];
syncObjectSvc cancelSync: cancelSyncOptions
onSuccess: ^ (id object) {
NSLog(@"ObjectService sync cancellation successful");
onFailure: ^ (NSError _ error) {
NSLog(@"ObjectService sync cancellation failed with error: %@", [error description]);