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Upgrading Volt MX Foundry Manually

Additional steps for Foundry upgrade to V9 GA and later

The Identity provider and user information which resides in the Identity schema should be moved to the Workspace schema. Perform the following steps to execute a successful data migration from Identity to Workspace:

  1. Perform a backup of your schemas.
  2. Upgrade the Identity schema to Volt MX Foundry V9 or later.
  3. Upgrade the Workspace schema to version 899.00 by setting the parameter in the flyway.conf to the target version. For example, set while executing flyway scripts. The Workspace schema must be at v899.00 for the data migration step to be completed successfully. Once the data migration step has been completed, the schema upgrade resumes to Volt MX Foundry V9 or later.
  4. Execute a command line jar which takes a config.yml file as the input.

    Sample config.yml file

            url: jdbc:mariadb://<prefix>mfconsoledb<suffix>
            username: testUser
            password: testPassword
    //master_key corresponds to the value of WAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY present in file workspace.war 
        master_key: 7309478f-2d02-4ce6-bb29-d1ad2b376502               
            driver: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
    //jdbc url 
            url: jdbc:mariadb://<prefix>idconfigdb<suffix>
            username: testUser
            password: testPassword
    //master_key corresponds to the value of master_key property present in authservice.key file in authService.war 
        master_key: 14d59362-5c03-4ff8-a6cd-8a4ecceb6cfb               
        master_key_alg: aes
        master_key_size: 128
        batch_size: 5000
        dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

Database specific inputs as follows:

Database Type JDBC URL format Database Driver Hibernate dialect
MySQL jdbc:mysql://: / com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver org.hibernate.dialect. MySQLDialect
MariaDB jdbc:mariadb ://: / org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver org.hibernate.dialect. MySQLDialect
Oracle DB jdbc:oracle:thin:@: / oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver org.hibernate.dialect. Oracle10gDialect
MS SQL Server ;databasename= SQLServerDriver org.hibernate.dialect. SQLServerDialect
  1. Begin the data migration from the identity schema to the workspace schema by executing the following command:
java -jar <Data migration jar location>/authDataMigration.jar migrate -e onprem -c <Data migration config file location>/config.yml
  1. Check the status of data migration by executing the following command:
java -jar <Data migration jar location>/authDataMigration.jar check-status -e onprem -c <Data migration config file location>/config.yml
  1. Resume the Console schema upgrade to the latest version by commenting the parameter or leaving it blank in the flyway.conf file while executing the flyway scripts.

Upgrading Volt MX Foundry manually through different application servers