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Create a Stream LogWriter to Write Logs to a Text File


It's beneficial if you're familiar with how VoltScript Logging works and understand the basics of the BasicLogWriter class. Please review the following How-Tos for more information:


This tutorial will help you understand the basics of extending the BaseLogWriter class by creating a LogWriter that uses StreamVSE extension to write your logs to a text file. It also takes advantage of the OSUtilsVSE extension to ensure the logs directory is created.

Before writing your code, you'll need to add these VSEs to your code by using dependency management - see Use dependency management for more information.

Create the StreamLogWriter Class

We'll begin by extending the BaseLogWriter class to add in support for writing our log entries to a file.

Now there are a few methods within the BaseLogWriter class that we will need to overwrite:

  • Sub New - this is where we'll create our initial log directory path
  • Sub InitializeLog - this is where we'll instantiate our Stream object with the appropriate path and file name
  • Sub outputLogEntryMessage - this is where we'll add each log entry to our file stream each time one is added to the log
  • Sub terminateLog - this is where we close the file stream, which commits all writes and closes the file on the disk

Let's start by setting up the basics of our StreamLogWriter class.

StreamLogWriter - The Basics

Let's create the outline of our StreamLogWriter class and add in some necessary class properties that we'll need.

Class LogWriterStream as BaseLogWriter
    Private logDir_ as String
    Private logFilePath_ as String
    Private logStream_ as Stream

End Class
  • logDir_ - the full directory path to our logs directory
  • logFilePath_ - the full file path to the current log file being written
  • logStream - the Stream object used to write our log file

Next we'll add in the various subroutines mentioned earlier. Note that the signatures for each method are the same as the corresponding subroutines found in the BaseLogWriter class.

Sub New()

The Sub New() method is where we create the directory path for our logs directory using the CurDir() function that's a part of VoltScript.

Sub New(label as String, minLevel as Integer, maxLevel as Integer, formatter as String)
    ' this will write the log entries to a subdirectory called logs in the current directory
    logDir_ = CurDir() & "/logs"
End Sub

Sub InitializeLog()

The Sub InitializeLog() method is where we create the full path for our log file and use it to instantiate our Stream object.

Sub initializeLog()
    Dim rbool as Boolean
    Dim myOS as New OSUtils

    ' make sure the logStream object is loaded, 
    ' and the file path is set appropriately
    If logStream_ is nothing Then
        Set logStream_ = New Stream

        rbool = myOS.makeDirectories(logDir_) ' ensures the log directory exists 
        If not rbool Then Error 1001, "Error creating log directory (" &_ 
        logDir_ & ")"

        logFilePath_ = logDir_ & "/" &_ 
        "log_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD-hhmmss") &_ 
        "_" & createUUID() & ".log"

        Call, "UTF-8")
    End If
End Sub

Sub outputLogEntryMessage()

The Sub outputLogEntryMessage() is used to add each log entry to the log stream.

Public Sub outputLogEntryMessage(message as String)
    ' this writes the log entry to the stream 
    ' every time a log entry is added to the log
    Call logStream_.writeText(message, EOL_LF)
End Sub

Sub terminateLog()

The Sub terminateLog() method is used to close the log file stream and ensure its properly written to disk.

Public Sub terminateLog()
    ' this closes the stream and writes the logs to the file on disk
    Call logStream_.close()
End Sub

When it's all put together, it looks like this...

Class LogWriterStream as BaseLogWriter
    Private logDir_ as String
    Private logFilePath_ as String
    Private logStream_ as Stream

    Sub New(label as String, minLevel as Integer, maxLevel as Integer, formatter as String)
    ' this will write the log entries to a subdirectory called logs in the current directory
        logDir_ = CurDir() & "/logs"
    End Sub

    Sub initializeLog()
        Dim rbool as Boolean
        Dim myOS as New OSUtils

        ' make sure the logStream object is loaded, and the file path is set appropriately
        If logStream_ is nothing Then
            Set logStream_ = New Stream
            rbool = myOS.makeDirectories(logDir_) ' ensures the log directory exists 
            If not rbool Then Error 1001, "Error creating log directory (" & logDir_ & ")"
            logFilePath_ = logDir_ & "/" & "log_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD-hhmmss") & "_" & createUUID() & ".log"
            Call, "UTF-8")
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub outputLogEntryMessage(message as String)
        ' this writes the log entry to the stream every time a log entry is added to the log
        Call logStream_.writeText(message, EOL_LF)
    End Sub

    Public Sub terminateLog()
        ' this closes the stream and writes the logs to the file on disk
        Call logStream_.close()
    End Sub

End Class

Now that we have our StreamLogWriter class, let's write a small script to test and make sure it works.

Testing the StreamLogWriter Class

We can test our StreamLogWriter class by adding a small Sub Initialize routine to our script library. In this subroutine we'll:

  • Instantiate our StreamLogWriter object by calling the New method
  • Add our new streamWriter object to the globalLogSession
  • Add a few log entries to the globalLogSession object
Sub Initialize
    Dim streamWriter as New LogWriterStream("StreamLogWriter", LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, "{{LEVELNAME}}: {{MESSAGE}}")

    Call globalLogSession.addLogWriter(streamWriter)
    Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_INFO, "Here's a log entry", "", "")
    Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_ERROR, "Error encountered", "Here's a logged error", "")
    Call globalLogSession.createLogEntry(LOG_DEBUG, "Debug message", "Here's a debug message", "")
End Sub


If your code runs successfully you'll find a new logs subdirectory under your current directory, and it will contain your log file. The contents of the log file should look like this:

INFO: Here's a log entry
ERROR: Error encountered
DEBUG: Debug message