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Use LogWriters

LogWriters are designed to write logs to different locations. The LogWriter takes in four arguments:

  • label: a unique label which will be the key in the Map of LogWriters.
  • minLevel: a minimum level of a LogEntry to log.
  • maxLevel: a maximum level of a LogEntry to log.
  • formatter: a string formatter to produce the message to log.

Logs will be outputted if they are at or above the minimum level and at or below the maximum level. For example, if the minimum level is LOG_TRACE and maximum level is LOG_INFO, logs with LOG_TRACE, LOG_DEBUG, and LOG_INFO will be written out. But logs with LOG_WARNING, LOG_ERROR, and LOG_FATAL will not be included.

A special level is also available for maxLevel in LogWriters - NO_LOGGING. If the max level is NO_LOGGING, no logs will be processed and nothing written.

Setting logging level

Best practice is to define or retrieve the maximum logging level before you create the LogWriter. This could be done in a variety of ways:

  • Hard-code in a constant at the top of your script. This makes it easier to find and change.
  • Retrieve from an environment variable or other configuration source.

Dynamically loading loggers

A typical use case is wishing to define LogWriters in a configuration file. However, because this would require additional dependencies, for example JsonVSE to load from a JSON configuration file, this functionality is not included in the core code.

Changing logging level

The maximum level can only be set in the constructor. If you have to change it afterwards, you will need to create a new LogWriter. But be aware whether the LogWriter has already been added to the LogSession. If so, the correct method of processing would be:

  • Remove the LogWriter from the LogSession (getLogSession().logEntries.removeByKey(logWriter.label)).
  • Delete the LogWriter.
  • Re-initialize the LogWriter.


The formatter uses mustache syntax ({{variable_name}}) to replace content in the format. The following variables can be used:

Variable Explanation
STACKTRACE The stack trace from the LogEntry
LEVELNAME The name of the log level, e.g. FATAL
ENTRYID The ID of the LogEntry
LEVEL The numeric value of the log level, e.g. 32
MESSAGE The log message
CLASSNAME The name of the class passed into the LogEntry
LINENUM The line number passed into the LogEntry
LIBRARYNAME The name of the library or module where the LogEntry was generated
METHODNAME The name of the method or function where the LogEntry was generated
TIMESTAMP The timestamp of the log entry
EXTINFO Additional extended information passed into the log entry


Variables are case-sensitive and must be entered in upper case in the formatter.

Sample Formatter

This code will write out the level name (e.g. DEBUG), a colon, a space and the message:

Dim stringFormat as New BaseLogWriter("stringFormat", LOG_DEBUG, LOG_FATAL, "{{LEVELNAME}}: {{MESSAGE}}")

This code will write out a pretty-printed JSON object containing the level name, message, extended info and stack trace. NOTE: the stack trace tracks out from the Sub New of the LogEntry class, through Function createLogEntry of the LogSession class, up to the calling code.

Dim jsonFormat  as New BaseLogWriter("jsonFormat", LOG_DEBUG, LOG_FATAL, |{
    "level": "{{LEVELNAME}}",
    "message": "{{MESSAGE}}",
    "extendedInfo": "{{EXTENDEDINFO}}",
    "stack": "{{STACKTRACE}}"

See sample code