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Aggregation Widgets

A custom widget with a datatype of 'aggregation' is a special type of data widget that can achieve the use-case of a "repeating section". The section is a sub-form which the author can design as they wish, with required fields and others. The end-user can then create and fill multiple instances of that section, shown sequentially on the page. For example, the widget could be used by the app author to ask for a list of vehicles owned by the end-user, with maker, model, and year for each vehicle.

The data type of the instantiated custom widget will be a "business object list" (BOL). It is expected that a custom repeating section widget will utilize the existing API for BOLs. See Business Object List (BOL) for lists of Business Objects. It is the responsibility of the custom widget to provide the UI for the end-user to trigger the addition (or deletion) of items in the BOL. In turn, Leap will create an instance of the UI (the sub-form) and pass that to the custom widget to place into its DOM. Hence, it is the manipulation of data that drives the UI.

The instantiated custom widget must include the following functions:

  • placeDesignForm(formNode): When the Leap app author places a repeating section widget on the canvas, Leap will create a sub-form (ie. formNode) for the app author to add fields to. Leap will call this function for the sub-form to be placed into the custom widget's DOM.

  • addEntry(entryNode, entryId): When a new item is added to the custom widget's BOL, Leap will instantiate the corresponding sub-form (ie. entryNode) and pass it to this function to be placed into the custom widget's DOM. entryId is a transient UUID that can be used by the custom widget to keep track of entries, if needed, for the current user session.

  • removeEntry(entryNode, entryId): When an item is removed from the custom widget's BOL, Leap will call this function to ensure the corresponding sub-form (ie. entryNode) is removed from the custom widget's DOM.

Important: formNode and entryNode (and their ancestors), should not be manipulated or inspected in any way; treat each as a black-box.


This specialized widget is best described with an example:

acme.myRepeatingSection = {
  id: "acme.RepeatingSection",
  version: "1.0.0",
  apiVersion: "1.0.0",
  label: {
    "default": "ACME Repeating Section",
  description: {
    "default": "ACME Repeating Section",
  datatype: {
    type: "aggregation"
  category: {
    id: "acme.sampleWidgets",
    label: {
      "default": "ACME Samples",
  iconClassName: "acmeRepeatingSectionIcon",
  builtInProperties: [{ id: "title" }],
  properties: [
    { id: "explanationText", propType: "string", label: { "default": "Explanation Text" }, defaultValue: { "default": "Some default explanation text" } },
    { id: "minEntries", propType: "number", label: { "default": "Min Entries" }, defaultValue: 0 },
    { id: "maxEntries", propType: "number", label: { "default": "Max Entries" }, defaultValue: 10 },

  // initialize widget in the DOM, with initial properties and event callbacks
  instantiate: function (context, domNode, initialProps, eventManager) {

    const widgetInstance = {
      _disabled: false,
      _mode: null, // 'design', 'preview', or 'run'
      _rootNode: null,
      _titleNode: null,
      _entriesNode: null,
      _addBtn: null,
      _eventManager: null,
      _formDesignNode: null,
      _minEntries: null,
      _maxEntries: null,

      // internal custom mechanics for changing widget props
      _setProp: function ({ propName, propValue }) {
        switch (propName) {
          case "title":
            this._titleNode.innerHTML = acme.makeHTMLSafe(propValue);
          case "minEntries":
            this._minEntries = propValue;
          case "maxEntries":
            this._maxEntries = propValue;
            // ignore

      // internal method for creating and initializing the widget
      _init: function (context, domNode, initialProps, eventManager) {
        this._mode = context.mode;
        this._businessObjectList = context.BOA;
        this._eventManager = eventManager;
        const widgetHTML = `
            <div class="acme-rs">
                <div class="acme-rs-title"></div>
                <div class="acme-rs-form-design"><!-- sub-form design will go here --></div>
                <div class="acme-rs-entries"><!-- entries will go here --></div>
                <div class="acme-rs-prompt"></div> 
                <div><button class="acme-rs-add-btn">Add Entry</button></div>
        domNode.innerHTML = widgetHTML;
        this._rootNode = domNode.firstChild;
        this._titleNode = domNode.querySelector(':scope .acme-rs-title');
        this._formDesignNode = domNode.querySelector(':scope .acme-rs-form-design');
        this._entriesNode = domNode.querySelector(':scope .acme-rs-entries'); = this._mode === 'design' ? '' : 'none'; = this._mode === 'design' ? 'none' : '';

        this._promptNode = domNode.querySelector(':scope .acme-rs-prompt')

        this._addBtn = domNode.querySelector(':scope button'); = this._mode === 'design' ? 'none' : '';
        this._addBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
          // use documented JavaScript API to add a new data entry
          const bo = this._businessObjectList.createNew();

        Object.keys(initialProps).forEach((propName) => {
          this._setProp({ propName: propName, propValue: initialProps[propName]


      _updateUI: function () {
        if (this._mode === 'design') {
          this._promptNode.innerHTML = 'Drag and drop some widgets above';
        } else {
          this._addBtn.disabled = this._disabled || this._businessObjectList.getLength() >= this._maxEntries;
          this._promptNode.innerHTML = 'No entries';
 = this._businessObjectList.getLength() > 0 ? 'none' : '';
        this._entriesNode.querySelectorAll('.acme-rs-delete-btn').forEach((btn) => {
          btn.disabled = this._disabled;

      placeDesignForm: function (formNode) {
        return this._formDesignNode.appendChild(formNode);

      addEntry: function (entryNode, entryId) {
        const entryContainer = document.createElement('div');
        entryContainer.className = 'acme-rs-entry'; = `${entryId}_container`;

        const deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
        deleteBtn.className = 'acme-rs-delete-btn';
        deleteBtn.innerHTML = 'Delete';
        deleteBtn.setAttribute('data-entry-id', entryId);
        deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
          // use documented JavaScript API to remove data entry
          const bo = this._businessObjectList.getById(entryId);



      removeEntry: function (entryNode, entryId) {
        const entryContainer = document.getElementById(`${entryId}_container`);


      getValue: function () {
        // must be present, but is not needed for 'aggregation' widgets

      setValue: function (val) {
        // must be present, but is not needed for 'aggregation' widgets

      setDisabled: function (disabled) {
        this._disabled = disabled;

      // called when properties change in the authoring environment, or via JavaScript API
      setProperty: function (propName, propValue) {
        this._setProp({ propName, propValue });
    widgetInstance._init(context, domNode, initialProps, eventManager);
    return widgetInstance;

Parent topic: Custom Widget API