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To register a subscriber, Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services calls Subscription API with subscription payload and sends the requested pushes to the subscriber. The Subscription API returns a unique KSID for the subscriber that can be used for sending pushes or updating geolocations or unsubsciptions.

Important: The Subscription API is maintained here to preserve backward compatibility. We encourage you to use Create/Modify Subscriber


The HTTP URL for Subscription API is:

http://<host or ip>:<port>/vpns/subscription



Content Type

Based on the content format, the payload's request header includes "Content-Type" for:

  • XML is text/xml;charset=UTF-8
  • JSON is application/json;charset=UTF-8

Sample Request


XML syntax for generic

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
**<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->**  

XML syntax for iOS

  • The following subscription request is sent from an iPhone.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
**<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->**  
  • The following subscription request is sent from an iPad.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

XML syntax for Android

Any one of the following two syntax can be used.

  • The following subscription request is sent from Android.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


**<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->**  
  • The following subscription request is sent from androidgcm
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


**<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->**  

XML syntax for BlackBerry

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->

XML syntax for Windows 8 Phones (Windows Phone Notification Services)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->

XML syntax for Windows RT and PRO (Tablets) (Windows Notification Services)

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->

XML syntax for Web

 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


**<!-- enable authToken if you want to enable security -->**  


JSON syntax for generic

"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "VoltMX Foundry MessagingDEV",
"ufid": "xxxx",  
**//enable authToken if you want to enable security**  
   "authToken": "xxxx",  
 "osType": "xxxx",

**"deviceId": "xxxx"

JSON syntax for iOS

  • The following subscription request is sent from an iPhone.
  "subscriptionService": {
 "subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
 "osType": "iphone",

"deviceId": "xxxx"
  • The following subscription request is sent from an iPad.
   "subscriptionService": {
  "subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
 "osType": "ipad",  
 "deviceId": "xxxx"

JSON syntax for Android

Any one of the following two syntax can be used.

  • The following subscription request is sent from Android.
 "subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "androidgcm",  
 "deviceId": "xxxx"
  • The following subscription request is sent from androidgcm.
"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "android",  
   "isGCM": "true",  
 "deviceId": "xxxx"  

JSON syntax for BlackBerry

"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "blackberry",
"deviceId": "xxxx"

JSON syntax for Windows 8 Phones (Windows Phone Notification Services)

"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "windows",
"deviceId": "xxxx"

JSON syntax for Windows RT & PRO (Tablets) (Windows Notification Services)

"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "windows8",
"deviceId": "xxxx"

JSON syntax for Web

"subscriptionService": {
"subscribe": {
"sid": "xxxx",
"appId": "xxxxx",
"ufid": "xxxx",
"osType": "android",  
   "isGCM": "true",  
 "deviceId": "xxxx"  

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Parameter Required Description
appID Mandatory App ID is configured in Volt MX Foundry Messaging for your App
deviceId Mandatory This is the device ID used for sending the pushes to the device. For iOS devices, this value is same as sid. For other devices use Volt MX JavaScript API (voltmx.os.deviceInfo().deviceid) to get these details from app.For BlackBerry, the returned device ID is in hex decimal format and BlackBerry accepts pushes for the values by omitting first two characters from the device ID. So you need to send device ID by omitting the first two characters. For example, Device ID returned from BlackBerry device is 0x2b631c8d, but the device ID to be sent to Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services (or in fact to send pushes to BlackBerry devices) must be 2b631c8d
ufid Optional The User Friendly Identifier or UFID is used when you subscribe to Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services. Based on your requirement, you can provide an UFID. It is alphanumeric, for example or 2890XZCY. It can be used to map devices to the user using the value as a reconciliation key
sid Mandatory. This is the subscription ID returned by the respective device clouds
osType Mandatory. Allowed values based on a device are iPhone, iPad, androidgcm, android(use in conjunction with fields true/false), BlackBerry, Windows(for Windows 8 Phones ), Windows8 (for Windows RT and PRO (Tablets)), webfcm
authToken Mandatory if security is enabled for Volt MX Foundry Engagement Servicessubscription This value ensures, if the subscription request is from a valid source. The validity of the subscription request is ensured by matching auth token value provided in subscription service with the value configured in the Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services. This value is configured in Volt MX Foundry Engagement Services using basic details API or from Settings section from Console "Auth token for subscription API".

Sample Responses


 1\. Subscription Success Response:

    <message>Subscription successful. </message>

2. Subscription Update Success Response:

    <message>Update successful.  </message>

3. Duplicate Subscription:

    <message>Duplicate subscription. SID element has the ID of existing subscription.  </message>

4. If Application ID is Invalid:

    <message>Invalid Application ID. </message>

5. If Request is invalid:

    <message>Invalid request format.  </message>

6. If Authentical Token is invalid:

    <message>Unauthorized request. The authToken is invalid.   </message>

7. If subscription is unclear:

    <message>Subscription unclear. Found multiple subscriptions with given input. Check your SID and DEVICE ID</message>

8. Server Error:

    <message>Server failed to process the request. </message>


 1. SubscriptionSuccessReponse:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "200",
"ksid": "xxxx",
"message": "Subscription successful."
2. SubscriptionUpdateSuccessReponse:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "200",
"ksid": "xxxx",
"message": "Update successful."
3. UnsubscriptionSuccessResponse:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "200",
"ksid": "xxxx",
"message": "Unsubscription successful."
4. Ifalreadyunsubscribed:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "200",
"ksid": "xxxx",
"message": "Already unsubscribed."
5. DuplicateSubscription:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "201",
"ksid": "xxxx",
"message": "Duplicate subscription. SID element has ID of existing subscription."
6. IfApplicationIdisInvalid:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "404",
"ksid": "-1",
"message": "Invalid Application ID."
7. IfRequestisinvalid:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "400",
"ksid": "-1",
"message": "Invalid request format."
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "401",
"ksid": "-1",
"message": "Unauthorized request. The authToken is invalid." }
9\. Ifsubscriptionisunclear:  
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "403",
"ksid": "-1",
"message": "Subscription unclear. Found multiple subscriptions with given input. Check your SID and DEVICE ID "
10.ServerError: {
"subscriptionResponse": {
"statusCode": "500",
"ksid": "-1",
"message": "Server failed to process the request. "

Response Status

Code Description
200 Update successful
200 Subscription successful
201 Duplicate subscription. SID element has ID of existing subscription
400 Invalid request format
401 Unauthorized request. The authToken is invalid
403 Subscription unclear. Found multiple subscriptions with given input. Check your SID and DEVICE ID
404 Invalid Volt MX Application ID
404 No valid subscription exists
500 Server failed to process the request.