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Engagement Adapter APIs

The Engagement Adapter provides the following operations:

To use the Engagement Adapter APIs with authentication, before invoking any API, use the getToken API to fetch the X-VoltMX-Authorization token and store it in the session.

Accounts API


The getToken operation is used to sign-in to the Engagement Server, fetch the X-VoltMX-Authorization token, and store the token value in the session. The token is used to authorize the use of the Engagement Adapter APIs.

Request Method


Push API


The sendPush API is used to send a push notification to the specified email addresses or devices. This API uses the authentication mechanism to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

  • Make sure that you provide a value for the email parameter or the ksid parameter.
  • If you provide a value for both parameters (email and ksid), the adapter uses the ksid parameter.
Parameter Required Description
appId Required Specifies the name of the Engagement app that is used to invoke the APIs.
title Required Specifies the title of the push notification.
message Required Specifies the message of the push notification.
email Optional Specifies the email address of the subscriber to which the notification is sent.
ksid Optional Specifies the ksid value of the subscriber. The ksid value is used to communicate with the Engagement server.

Sample Request JSONIn the following code snippet, $keyname is a dynamic value that must be replaced with user provided inputs.

  "appId": "testApp",
  "global": { },
     "priorityService": "true",
     "data": "$message",
     "mimeType": "text/plain"
    "overrideMessageId": 0,
    "startTimestamp": "0",
    "expiryTimestamp": "0",
      "ksid": $ksid / "ufid": $email
     "title": "$title",
      "title": "$title",
      "customData": { }
     "blackberry": { },
      "title": "$title"
       "name": "title",
       "value": "$title"
      "notificationType": "TOAST",
      "text1": "$title",
      "text2": "$message",
      "params": { }
      "notificationType": "TOAST",
      "text1": "$title",
      "text2": "$message",
      "params": { },
      "image": { },
      "text": { }
     "webfcm": { }
    "type": "PUSH"

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
Invalid Subscribers The ksid, email ID, or subscriber ID is not valid.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "-1",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid Subscribers",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid VoltMX AppId or Application is not published with given AppId The specified appId is not valid, or the specified app is not published.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "null",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid VoltMX AppId or Application is not published with given AppId",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid request format. Please provide a valid value for text2 for notificationType TOAST One or more mandatory fields (message, appid, or title) are empty.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "null",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid request format. Please provide a valid value for text2 for notificationType TOAST",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Authentication fail, Invalid credentials The specified username or password is not valid.
  "errmsg_adhocPush": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
  "errmsg_getToken": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
  "opstatus_getToken": "8009",
  "requestid": "",
  "opstatus": 20013,
  "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
  "description": "",
  "message": "Authentication fail, Invalid credentials",
  "opstatus_adhocPush": "8009",
  "httpStatusCode": "401"


The sendPushWithAPIKey API is used to send a push notification to the specified email addresses or devices. This API uses the API Key to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

  • Make sure that you provide a value for the email parameter or the ksid parameter.
  • If you provide a value for both parameters (email and ksid), the adapter uses the ksid parameter.
Parameter Required Description
appId Required Specifies the name of the Engagement app that is used to invoke the APIs.
title Required Specifies the title of the push notification.
message Required Specifies the message of the push notification.
email Optional (if using ksid) Specifies the email address of the subscriber to which the notification is sent.
ksid Optional (if using email) Specifies the ksid value of the subscriber. The ksid value is used to communicate with the Engagement server.

Sample Request JSONIn the following code snippet, $keyname is a dynamic value that must be replaced with user provided inputs.

  "appId": "testApp",
  "global": { },
     "priorityService": "true",
     "data": "$message",
     "mimeType": "text/plain"
    "overrideMessageId": 0,
    "startTimestamp": "0",
    "expiryTimestamp": "0",
      "ksid": $ksid / "ufid": $email
     "title": "$title",
      "title": "$title",
      "customData": { }
     "blackberry": { },
      "title": "$title"
       "name": "title",
       "value": "$title"
      "notificationType": "TOAST",
      "text1": "$title",
      "text2": "$message",
      "params": { }
      "notificationType": "TOAST",
      "text1": "$title",
      "text2": "$message",
      "params": { },
      "image": { },
      "text": { }
     "webfcm": { }
    "type": "PUSH"

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
Invalid Subscribers The ksid, email ID, or subscriber ID is not valid.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "-1",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid Subscribers",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid VoltMX AppId or Application is not published with given AppId The specified appId is not valid, or the specified app is not published.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "null",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid VoltMX AppId or Application is not published with given AppId",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid request format. Please provide a valid value for text2 for notificationType TOAST One or more mandatory fields (message, appid, or title) are empty.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "null",
 "opstatus": 0,
 "description": "Invalid request format. Please provide a valid value for text2 for notificationType TOAST",
 "message": "",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "0",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key The specified Engagement app API Key is not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocEmailAPIKey": "Backend request failed for service sendEmailWithAPIKey with HTTP status code 401.",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "message": "Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key",
 "opstatus_adhocEmailAPIKey": "8009",
 "httpStatusCode": "401"

Email API


The sendEmail API is used to send an email to the specified recipients. This API uses the authentication mechanism to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message/email

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
emailList Required Specifies the list of email addresses of the recipients. You can provide multiple values by separating them with a comma (,).
Subject Required Specifies the subject of the email.
message Required Specifies the message of the email.

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
Mandatory parameters not filled. Subject and Content are mandatory. One or more mandatory fields (message or subject) are empty.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "-1",
 "opstatus_adhocEmail": "8009",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "errmsg_adhocEmail": "Backend request failed for service sendEmail with HTTP status code 400.",
 "message": "Mandatory parameters not filled. Subject and Content are mandatory.",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Authentication fail, Invalid credentials The specified username or password is not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocPush": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
 "errmsg_getToken": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
 "opstatus_getToken": "8009",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "description": "",
 "message": "Authentication fail, Invalid credentials",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "8009",
 "httpStatusCode": "401"


The sendEmailWithAPIKey API is used to send an email to the specified recipients. This API uses the API Key to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message/email

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
emailList Required Specifies the list of email addresses of the recipients. You can provide multiple values by separating them with a comma (,).
Subject Required Specifies the subject of the email.
message Required Specifies the message of the email.

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
Mandatory parameters not filled. Subject and Content are mandatory. One or more mandatory fields (message or subject) are empty.
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "-1",
 "opstatus_adhocEmail": "8009",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "errmsg_adhocEmail": "Backend request failed for service sendEmail with HTTP status code 400.",
 "message": "Mandatory parameters not filled. Subject and Content are mandatory.",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key The specified Engagement app API Key is not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocEmailAPIKey": "Backend request failed for service sendEmailWithAPIKey with HTTP status code 401.",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "message": "Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key",
 "opstatus_adhocEmailAPIKey": "8009",
 "httpStatusCode": "401"



The sendSMS API is used to send an SMS to the specified phone numbers. This API uses the authentication mechanism to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message/sms

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
message Required Specifies the message of the SMS.
mobileNoList Required Specifies the mobile numbers of the recipients. You can provide multiple values by separating them with a comma (,).

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
No Active Audience Members found One or more of the specified mobile numbers are not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocSMS": "Backend request failed for service sendSMS with HTTP status code 400.",
 "opstatus_adhocSMS": "8009",
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "message": "No Active Audience Members found",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Authentication fail, Invalid credentials The specified username or password is not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocPush": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
 "errmsg_getToken": "Backend request failed for service sendPush with HTTP status code 401.",
 "opstatus_getToken": "8009",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "description": "",
 "message": "Authentication fail, Invalid credentials",
 "opstatus_adhocPush": "8009",
 "httpStatusCode": "401"


The sendSMSWithAPIKey API is used to send an SMS to the specified phone numbers. This API uses the API Key to connect to the Engagement Server.


https://<Engagement URL>/api/v1/message/sms

Request Method


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
message Required Specifies the message of the SMS.
mobileNoList Required Specifies the mobile numbers of the recipients. You can provide multiple values by separating them with a comma (,).

Error Responses

If the Engagement server returns an error response for an API call, the value of the requestid key is -1 or null. The error responses are differentiated based on the description or the message.

For more information about the error responses, refer to the following table.

Description/Message Reason Sample Error Response
No Active Audience Members found One or more of the specified mobile numbers are not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocSMS": "Backend request failed for service sendSMS with HTTP status code 400.",
 "opstatus_adhocSMS": "8009",
 "opstatus_getToken": "0",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "message": "No Active Audience Members found",
 "httpStatusCode": "200"
Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key The specified Engagement app API Key is not valid.
 "errmsg_adhocEmailAPIKey": "Backend request failed for service sendEmailWithAPIKey with HTTP status code 401.",
 "requestid": "",
 "opstatus": 20013,
 "errmsg": "One or more of the services failed in composite service.",
 "message": "Invalid X-VoltMX-App-API-Key",
 "opstatus_adhocEmailAPIKey": "8009",
 "httpStatusCode": "401"