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Create App

The Create App API adds new applications into Engagement Server.


The HTTP URL for Create App API is:


The Create App service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are the input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
appId Yes alphanumeric Unique app ID assigned to an Engagement app
categoryName Yes N/A Category assigned to an app such as business or finance
foundryBaseAppId Optional String Unique app ID assigned to a Foundry app
foundryAppId Optional String The app ID assigned to an app when it is created. It remains same as foundryBaseAppId until the Foundry app has a new version.
applicationName Yes alphanumeric The unique name assigned to an app
googleApiKey Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric System- generated unique Google API key
jpushAppKey Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric System-generated unique key to log-in to a JPush account. The jpushAppKey and jpushMasterSecret are log-in credentials for a JPush account.
jpushMasterSecret Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric System- generated unique secret to log-in to JPush account.
webFcmApiKey Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric System- generated unique Firebase API key
appleBundleId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric Bundle Identifier of the iPhone Push Certificate.
appleDevBundleId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric Bundle Identifier of the iPhone Developer Push Certificate.
ipadBundleId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric Bundle Identifier of the iPad Push Certificate.
ipadDevBundleId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric Bundle Identifier of the iPad Developer Push Certificate.
windows8ClientId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric A security identifier that is a unique, immutable identifier of a user, user group, or other security principal
windowsPhone8 Based on selected platform need to add details boolean Whether WindowsPhone8 is required
windows8ClientSecret Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric Secret key assigned to Windows 8 for authentication
windows8AuthToken Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric System generated authentication token
windowsPhone7 Based on selected platform need to add details boolean Whether WindowsPhone 7 is required or not
blackBerryAppId Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric The unique ID assigned to a BlackBerry app
blackBerryUrl Based on selected platform need to add details string Primary URL for the resource.
 blackBerryAppPwd Based on selected platform need to add details alphanumeric(no spaces) System-generated unique password.

Sample Request

  "appId": "300966548262167",
  "applicationName": "SampleAppforDemo",
  "categoryName": "Business",
  "googleApiKey": "AIzaSyCFd4pwKxLDMuk76Rk9XRrwDpXanjrj4Zk",
  "appleBundleId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "appleDevBundleId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "ipadBundleId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "ipadDevBundleId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
  "blackBerryAppId": "",
  "blackBerryUrl": "",
  "blackBerryAppPwd": "",
  "windows8ClientId": "ms-app://s-1-15-2-213995348-1368721946-2967673374-1428200323-1145738169-1646738291-64223294",
  "windows8ClientSecret": "DJ1uYWdv7gvYAQaVj7v1Kh9UDtecD-6S",
  "windowsPhone7": true,
  "windowsPhone8": true,
  "windows8AuthToken": "",
  "jpushAppKey" : "71d7cde4c164dd3d997f86e1",
  "jpushMasterSecret" : "fad621972177276a4071577d"
  "webFcmApiKey": "",

Output Parameters

Output Parameter Type Description
id alphanumeric Unique app ID assigned to an app
message string Response status message

Sample Response

  "id" : "300966548262167",
  "message" : "Details added successfully"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Details added successfully
Status 400 AppID is requiredApplication name is requiredApp category is required
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request