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Create Beacon

The Create Beacon API adds beacons into Engagement Services.


The HTTP URL for Create Beacon API is:


This service implements Gateway Filter for Authentication to authenticate access of the service by a user.



The payload's request header includes Content-Type as application/json;charset=UTF-8.

Input Parameters

The following fields are input parameters:

Input Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes string The unique name assigned to a beacon
details Optional string Description of the beacon
uuid Optional alphanumeric Universally Unique Identifier Number (UUID) assigned to the Beacon. UUID contains 32 hexadecimal digits, split into 5 groups, and separated by dashes, for example, f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024- bc5b71e0893e
major Optional long Major ID is a major identifier of a Bluetooth beacon
minor Optional long Minor ID is a minor identifier of a Bluetooth beacon

Sample Request

"name": "BeaconCreateName",
"details": "BeaconCreateDetails",
"uuid": "Beacon-Create-UUID",
"major": 500,
"minor": 100

Output Parameters

The following fields are output parameters:

Output Parameter Type Description
id int Unique ID assigned to a beacon
message string Response status message

Sample Response

"id" : "3",
"message" : "Beacon Created Successfully"

Response Status

Code Description
Status 200 Beacon created successfully
Status 400 Name is required
Status 401 Unauthorized request
Status 500 Server failure to process request