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Offline Objects drop function deletes the database schema along with all its data. Success or failure is reported through callbacks provided to the drop API.

Volt MX Iris (JavaScript)


VMXFoundry.OfflineObjects.drop(options, successCallback, failureCallback)


optionsJSONDrop options such as device database, encryption passphrase and so on.Yes
successCallbackFunctionThe function is invoked on success.Yes
failureCallbackFunctionThe function is invoked on an error with the cause of failure as an argument.Yes
Option Type Description Required
deviceDbEncryptionKey String Encryption passphrase must be a string of six characters long. For further information, refer Offline Objects Getting Started Guide.

Note: Not applicable for Mobile Web and Desktop Web channels.
deviceDbPath String Device database is created at the given deviceDbPath location. The default Offline Objects database path for Windows Kiosk applications is C:\Users\User\AppData\Local. You can use the deviceDbPath option to override the default path. This options helps you to install more than one Offline enabled application by using the Offline Objects database at desired location.
Note: This parameter is supported only for Windows Kiosk applications from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 44 onwards.
Important: The default Offline Objects database location for Windows Kiosk has been changed from C:\Users\User\AppData\Local to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\AppID\Database from V8 SP4 Fix Pack 44. This impacts application upgrades that were built with the earlier versions of plugin.
To retain the existing Offline Objects database, rebuild the Kiosk application with the deviceDbPath option and pass the C:\Users\User\AppData\Local location as an input to the setup, reset, and drop APIs.

Return Type



function successCallback() {
voltmx.print("Application drop success")

function failureCallback(error) {
voltmx.print("Application drop failed with error" + error.code);

//Decrypt the device database, if encrypted
var options = {
"deviceDbEncryptionKey": "myencryptionpa$$phrase1"

VMXFoundry.OfflineObjects.drop(options, successCallback, failureCallback);

Android (Java)


void <OfflineObjects>.drop(final HashMap<String, object>options, final VMXCallback callback)


optionsHashMap<String, object>Drop option such as device database, encryption key and so on.Yes
callbackVMXCallbackApplication implements onSuccess and onFailure methods of VMXCallback interface.Yes

Drop Options

Option Type Description Required
deviceDbEncryptionKey String Encryption passphrase must be a string with at least six characters long. Refer Offline Objects Getting Started Guide for more details. No

Return Type



VoltMXClient sdk = new VoltMXClient();
IVoltMXApplicationSync appSync = sdk.getOfflineObjects();

//Decrypt the device database if encrypted
HashMap < String, object > options = new HashMap < String, object > ();
options.put("deviceDbEncryptionKey", "myencryptionpa$$phrase1");
appSync.drop(options, new VMXCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Object object) {
Log.d("Application DROP", "Application drop Successful");

    public void onFailure(Object error) {
        OfflineObjectsException e = (OfflineObjectsException) error;
        Log.e("Application DROP", "Application drop failed with error:" + e.getMessage());


iOS (Objective C)


void <OfflineObjects> drop:(NSDictionary *) options onSuccess: VMXSuccessCompletionHandler)OnSuccess  


optionsNSDictionary<NSString*, id>Drop options such as device database, encryption passphrase and so on.Yes
onSuccessVMXSuccessCompletionHandlerThe function is invoked on success.Yes
onFailureVMXFailureCompletionHandlerThe function is invoked on an error with the cause of failure as an argument.Yes

Setup Options

Option Type Description Required
deviceDbEncryptionKey NSString Encryption passphrase must be a string with at least six characters long. For more details, refer Offline Objects Getting Started Guide. No

Return Type



VMXClient _ sdk = [VMXClient sharedClient];
OfflineObjects _ applicationSync = [sdk getOfflineObjects];

//Decrypt the device database if encrypted
NSMutableDictionary < NSString _ , id > _ Options = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[options setObject: @"myencryptionpa$$phrase1"
forKey: @"deviceDbEncryptionKey"

VMXSuccessCompletionHandler onSuccess = ^ void(id object) {
NSLog(@"Application drop successful");

VMXFailureCompletionHandler onFailure = ^ void(id object) {
NSLog(@"Application drop failed");

[applicationSync drop: options
onSuccess: onSuccess
onFailure: onFailure