You are here: Software Requirements
The following section explain the software and hardware required to install JasperReports Server.
Software Requirements
Software Requirements for JasperReports Server V 7.9.2
Purpose | Software Requirement |
Installer | Windows: |
-> TIB_js-jrs_7.9.0_win_x86_64.exe | |
Ubuntu Linux: | |
-> | |
After you install JasperReports Server 7.9.0, you must apply the hotfix_JRSPro7.9.2_cumulative_20221213_0819 hotfix to support the security fixes. | |
Software Requirements for JasperReports Server V 7.x
Purpose | Software Requirement |
Installer | Windows: |
Linux: | |
Note: HCL VoltMX Foundry Products support only JasperReports Server Professional or Jasper Reports Server Enterprise edition (AWS Cloud) and not the community edition.
Important: Make sure to download TIBCO JasperReports Server version 7.9.2 or 7.1.0 and install it before configuring user attributes in How to Set Up the Jasper Reports Server.
The license key for JasperReports Server for On-premises, you must procure the license from TIBCO.Note: For JasperReports Server Installation Documentation, refer to the following:
Supported Databases and Drivers
Database Version | Database Connectivity Drivers |
MySQL 5.7.X and 8.X | mysql-connector-java-8.x.x Click the below link to download the .jar: |
mysql-connector-j-8.x.x.jar (For Mysql server 8.0.33 DataBase) |
In the case of MySQL 8.x Database with JasperReports Server V 7.9.2, ensure that you must delete the mariadb-java-client-2.5.3.jar file if it exist in your system. | |
For example: <jasperinstall-dir>/apache-tomcat/lib/mariadb-java-client-2.5.3.jar | |
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014 and 2019 | mssql-jdbc-7.2.2.jre8.jar Click the below link to download the .jar: |
Oracle 11g, 12c | ojdbc8.jar Click the below link to download the .jar: |
IBM - DB2 10.1 | db2jcc4.jar Click the below link to download the .jar: |
Hardware Requirements
Supported OS | Resource | Footprint | Minimum | Recommended |
Windows - Windows 2008 - Windows 7 - Windows 8 | Disk | 600 MB | 10 GB free | 40 GB+ |
^^ | RAM | 512 MB | 1 GB + | |
^^ | Processor | 1 GHz (single Pentium) | 1.5 GHz + (multi-core Pentium) | |
Linux - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6 - Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, 11 - Debian 6 - Ubuntu 10 | Disk | 600 MB | 10 GB free | 40 GB+ |
^^ | RAM | 512 MB | 1 GB + | |
^^ | Processor | 1 GHz (single Pentium) | 1.5 GHz + (multi-core Pentium) |
Supported Foundry Versions
Volt MX Foundry Version | Jasper Reports Server Version |
For V9 and later versions | JRS 7.9.2 and JRS 7.1 |
Reports Database
While installing Volt MX Foundry, the system creates the reports database, <prefix>mfreports<suffix>
, based on the following choices only:
- If you select Console check box, the system creates the reports database.
If you select Console and Integration Service check boxes, the system creates the reports database.
If you select all (components: Console, Identity Service, and Integration Service) check boxes, the system creates the reports database.
For more details, refer to VoltMX Foundry Installer_Guide > Installing Volt MX Foundry > Install Components window.
Note: In the Installing Volt MX Foundry page, scroll down to the Install Components window.
A reports database is created in the VoltMX Foundry Installation > Pre-Installation Summary window, shown below: