
Volt MX Iris

Application Design and Development Guidelines

This document describes what goes into application design and also emphasizes on the importance of aesthetics, design and development visualization. This document does not talk about how to implement individual controls to achieve a specific purpose.

Revision History

Date Document Version Description of Modifications/Release
02/10/2021 1.3 Document updated for V9 Service Pack 2 FP 7 release. This update includes the following new and revised features: Added support for a11yARIA from the Property panel. Added i18n support for accessibilityConfig property. Automatic addition of tabIndex in a11yARIA.
14-24-2020 1.2 Updated for the V9 SP2 Release. This update includes the following new and revised features:Enhanced the Tab Order field to the Accessibility Config section in Properties panel.
08-24-2020 1.1 Updated for the V9 SP1 Release. This update includes the following new and revised features: Added Tab Order field to the Accessibility Config section in Properties panel.
04-06-2020 1.0 Document updated for V9 release.